World Cup Hosts 2018

I dont think they will play the games in the day time when it goes to Qatar....i mean playing when its close to 40c in the shade wouldnt be exactly very safe unless they will be all indoor stadiums with air con.

"Each of the five stadiums will harness the power of the suns rays to provide a cool environment for players and fans by converting solar energy into electricity that will then be used to cool both fans and players at the stadiums. When games are not taking place, the solar installations at the stadia will export energy onto the power grid. During matches, the stadia will draw energy from the grid. This is the basis for the stadiums’ carbon-neutrality. Along with the stadiums, we plan to make the cooling technologies we’ve developed available to other countries in hot climates, so that they too can host major sporting events."

from wiki
The world cup in south africa was utter crap.

Russia will have a bunch of empty stadiums and monkey chants, and Quatar is goign to be beyond rubbish.

Its so obvious its just ££££££$$$$$ under the table. Even more so with Roman Abramovich being there with a smile on his face the entire time.

Putin wasnt goign to waste the time travelling, he knew it was over weeks ago.
Bribe bribe bribe?

Sing a new tune it sounds hollow and sour.

Typical England.

Can't accept it's ****.

Has to blame others.

9/10 for originallity.

Russia has become a virtual "mafia state" with widespread corruption, bribery and protection rackets, US diplomatic cables on Wikileaks allege.

There was no differentiation between government and organised crime, one Spanish prosecutor investigating crime links says.

PM Vladimir Putin told CNN there may be "political purposes" behind the leaks but they were "no catastrophe".

The documents are among hundreds being released by the whistle-blower website.
'Unethically done'

The cables, published by the Guardian newspaper, paint a picture of a corrupt Russia centred around the leadership of Mr Putin. Bribery in the political system totals an estimated $300bn (£192bn) a year, the paper says.

In one cable from January 2010, Spanish prosecutor Jose "Pepe" Grinda Gonzales claimed that in Russia, Belarus and Chechnya "one cannot differentiate between the activities of the Government and OC (organised crime) groups".

Judge Grinda led a long investigation into Russian organised crime in Spain, leading to more than 60 arrests.

A cable from the US embassy in Madrid talks about the "unanswered question" of the extent to which Mr Putin is implicated in the mafia and whether he controls its actions.

The leaked cables also show that Washington believed Mr Putin was likely to have known about the operation to murder former Russian security agent Alexander Litvinenko in London in 2006. The Kremlin has denied any involvement.

US ambassador to Russia John Beyrle also submits a damning report on corruption in Moscow.

"Criminal elements enjoy a krysha (protection racket) that runs through the police, the federal security service, ministry of internal affairs and the prosecutor's office, as well as throughout the Moscow city government bureaucracy," Mr Beyrle says.

In one cable from February this year, US Defence Secretary Robert Gates says "Russian democracy has disappeared".

Mr Putin, responding to that claim in an interview with CNN on Wednesday, said Mr Gates was "deeply misled".

He said of the Wikileaks affair: "Some experts believe that somebody is deceiving Wikileaks to undermine their reputation, to use them for their own political purposes later on. That is one of the possibilities."

But he added: "I don't see this as being a catastrophe."

Mr Putin did appear riled at US diplomats referring to him as Batman to President Dmitry Medvedev's Robin.

"To be honest with you, we didn't suspect that this would be done with such arrogance, with such a push and, you know, being so unethically done."

Other cables reveal:

* The Russian defence ministry "has not changed its modus operandi for information exchange nor routine dialoguing since the end of the Cold War", says one US embassy cable
* Associates of suspected Russian arms merchant Viktor Bout tried to prevent his extradition to the US from Thailand by using "money and influence", US ambassador to Thailand says
* UK Foreign Office Russia director Michael Davenport says Russia is a "corrupt autocracy"
* Ukrainian businessman with links to the Russia state-run conglomerate Gazprom told the US ambassador he had ties to Russian organised crime, needing approval of a gangster called Semyon Mogilevich to run his business
Bribe bribe bribe?

Sing a new tune it sounds hollow and sour.

Typical England.

Can't accept it's ****.

Has to blame others.

9/10 for originallity.


While I'd agree in some instances, Russia are very corrupt, FIFA are very corrupt, I'd say its highly unlikely Russia won it fair and square.
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