World Cup Hosts 2018

To be perfectly honest if we lose the bid its not just the BBC's fault. The structure within the FA and the amount of violence in English football is appalling. We can't seem to go a few months without incidents that reflect badly on our bid, just look at last nights crowd trouble as an example. I dare say there would be widespread trouble if England were knocked out of the World Cup early.

I really do hope we win the bid, but we've got a lot of work to do to sort out the state of English football.
We have a chance. Russia does seem less likely now, which would make it between us and spain/portugal. Fingers crossed!
I wonder if the wikileaks stuff about Russia being a "mafia state" will play on the minds of those voting?
That iberian presentation was rubbish! All the votes are in the bag already I guess, but if there is anyone still uncertain, they won't vote for spain/portugal on that performance!
It's not about "whistle blowing". It's about the BBC airing it right before the vote. What was wrong with delaying it a week?

Then they have the bottle to say it's "in the public interest". I mean what a load of first class crap, really. At least have the decency to be honest.

They air it at a time when exposure and public interest is at its highest. The BBC have to behave like any commercial organisation if they want to remain competitive in terms of viewing figures, even though their revenues are obtained from different sources.
I'm also pretty annoyed that they hid behind the whole "public interest" lies and smoke - as if they actually give a **** beyond their own profits. :rolleyes:
Are you on about the BBC, or FIFA?

And how exactly do the BBC make a profit from Panorama?
Because if their viewing figures aren't high enough, they become uncompetitive and lose the power to bargain when attempting to increase the TV licence.

I'm quite shocked at the number of people who thought the BBC did nothing wrong actually.

They air it at a time when exposure and public interest is at its highest. The BBC have to behave like any commercial organisation if they want to remain competitive in terms of viewing figures, even though their revenues are obtained from different sources.

I've answered this point above. What gives them the right to scupper (or attempt to) our 2018 bid?
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Was listening to 15mins on the radio and catching the end, quite impressed with our bit tbh.

There really isn't many reasons we shouldn't get it.

As much as I disliked Cameron at the start of the year the guy has grown on me a little, very good speaker and handles himself very well,
Was there a bit of string connecting Beckham's right hand to his jaw? Literally everytime he spoke he had to lift his right hand up. I wanted to cut it off.
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