World Cup Hosts 2018

How on earth could we have done so badly?

IMO, Blater and his cronies wanted to stick two fingers up at us as revenge for our media revealing how corrupt they are, or perhaps it was the fact that our government wanted to negotiate the 'tax immunity' clause that FIFA demand of all their bidders.

I predicted Russia to win but what stinks is that we did so badly with what FIFA have admitted was the best bid.
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I'm not sure as you'd have to ask FIFA as to why they didn't rate our bid and ask the people who didn't vote for us.

I think the BBC Panorama had as much to do with not getting this as the F.A. **** ups and other media hounding that FIFA recieved.

I think this is entirely down to what FIFA are trying to do with the sport and the direction they seem to be taking it in.

I doubt it was money motivated (I can't speak for each independant voter) but FIFA made 2.5 Billion in profit with South Africa, they're not short of a bob or two and Englands main selling point was that we offered them the most money in profit (iirc), so maybe the developement of the sport in countries where football isn't "big" in the sense that it is here / Spain hold some truth. (I don't doubt that FIFA will still make a shed load of money and Jack Warner (spelling) will get to line his pockets)
Just heard the news.

It's hard to belive we would ever host the world cup ever again given whats gone on today.

Thats a hard swallow, it's not just today, it's ever again:(
Not if Russia offered them some nice $$

But of course the British and US EC members would never stoop to such dastardly behaviour? :rolleyes: I suggest it's that sort of xenophobic arrogance, often on display in the UK football media, that costs us votes at things like this.
It appears "xenophobe" and its derivatives has quickly replaced "straw man" as the OcUK phrase to use when making a point :p
Being honest the South Africa World Cup was dreadful and I believe future World Cups will be the same.

The game of football nowadays is all about club football. In another 8 years all international football will just be an irritant much as friendly internationals are now.
Well i obv wanted us to win but if we didnt id rather it have been Spain-Portugal oh well, In a way its not that surprising England isnt used to wining anyway >.<
we need to work on building a team that can play football before applying for the world cup. We wouldn't want to win the 2030 nomination then go out in the group stages
One thing that is quite scary is thinking how old we will all be even if we somehow managed to get the next world cup that is up for grabs - I'll be 46 assuming I'm still alive then :eek:

I think one of my big regrets will not be making an effort to attend Euro'96 matches.
The fact that Qatar, out of all the nominations, got the 2022 bid, just shows what a sham FIFA are. They're clearly in thrall to the almighty dollar, and England only getting two votes was clearly a protest against us daring to question their authority.

**** them, and **** their bloated, self-serving, bureaucratic empire.
The only thing I'm disappointed about is the England team cowering to FIFA and pleading with the BBC and press not publish the truth. They day they done that made them part of the problem and as bad as the rest.

All the international football governing bodies are rotten to the core, and are interfering, incompetent, self obsessed shackles on the game. I really don't want England to be part of any competition they're responsible for organizing, and I defiantly don't want them to be the hosts.

If there’s more **** to sling I hope they don’t hang about. The press will eat them for breakfast.
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I've just watched the Qatar promo video, 2 bad CG renderings of stadiums which aren't even built, one of which looks about the size of a 5 a side pitch, and only has seating on one side, the other 2 sides are walls, and opposite the seating is a bay window, and all it has going for it is venetian blinds and a revolving roof.

Ahhh well hopefully Sepp Bladder will be dead before the 2018 world cup, so that'll perk me up a bit.
FIFA are truly corrupt and this shows it. They are a bunch of dodgy old blokes who most have never played any type of competitive football.

England will always be the home of football and they can stick that up their......:D
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