Russia and Quatar both fit with what FIFA are doing though?
Taking football to "lesser footballing" countries, in an effort to help spread the game.
I sense butthurt on an epic scale.
I'm dissapointed that England didn't get the bid, I'd have loved to see a World Cup here, but I think it's half a dozen of one and 6 of the other or however it's said.
English media are quick to build us up the line "we never excpected to get it", sorry it's not how the media came across. The BBC going on about how they'd pulled out big names and had put lots of effort in. Does this mean other countries didn't put effort in? Didn't pull out big names? *remember names are relativie to where you live*
English media didn't help, people talking out against FIFA can't of helped this includes the F.A.
The Premier league has for a long time not being too liked by FIFA has it? I mean it's hyped to the max and made out to be the best ect ect yet the English team continually fail and the clubs take a bit of a hammering from big wigs at FIFA / UEFA.
I also, don't think there is as much to gain in spreading the game here then it is in Russia / Quatar (I do believe this is a big part of the reason)
I'm not saying FIFA don't take brides ect ect, look at Jack Warner haha
Just, I'm not annoyed and butthurting and raging at the Russians ect ect
I'm just a little bit dissapointed, 2030 is our next chance... that's a long time away, I'd like to see our domestic problems sorted before we get a world cup.
o/ I've had a drink.