Would have just been infinitely better in America - it's the sort of thing they do extremely well.
Meh, it's all a farce tbh.
Stadiums with good quality turf, correct dimensions, hotels and training facilities that let the teams get good rest and good training, there isn't much more too it, everything else is external, end of the day all the fanfare, opening/closing ceremonies which most people don't watch, speeches and other rubbish, its about football, not much else matters. LIkewise don't over a billion people watch the final, only 70-120k people will be in any stadium capable of showing the final, the world cup isn't really about much other than the football.
Anyway one of the biggest issues seem to be the delusion of the England bid team, thinking they had 6-8 votes, where was this from, because they sent the future England KING to ask them if they'd be voting for them, or the PM, seriously who says no to these people? They shouldn't be involved, if Obama asked 98% of students who they voted for, even if they voted for Palin most in a room with Obama and people watching would say they voted for him, its being polite.
The England bid was a BUSINESS proposal and we turned it into a showbiz whose who of asking for votes, while other countries simply said, we've not had it before, FIFA have spent the last decade encouraging new nations to bid and hoping to push the world cup to new countries, continents and fans.
England were daft to bid AT ALL right now, and someone involved with the bid misled us into thinking we had a shot, the person to be blame is whoever thought we had a snowballs chance in hell. For me thats likely to be someone high up whose getting paid a BIG wage to run the bid.........
AS said, previous two world cups were chosen due to picking federations that hadn't had it in a long while if ever, and it was hoped anyone but Brazil/Argentina would get the 2014 world cup, and if almost anyone else bid for the 2014 world cup, Paraguay, Columbia(ok maybe not them), they would probably have got it even if Brazil has the best current stadiums and best infrastructure, thats NOT what the world cup is about. Fifa have been clear for a LONG LONG time on the mandate, a good one, to push the world cup to new fans who haven't had a chance almost every 4 years to get tickets quite easily, which English/european fans have had for a long time, ignoring the fact that we also get the Euro's which is of a far higher quality than other continental cups.
So again the question is, knowing the underlying mandate of Fifa was to give the cup to the best bid that was also someone who hadn't had it before........... who was it that started the England bid and was deluded enough to think we might get it, whoever that is, is to blame.
Fifa aren't remotely corrupt(in this instance), again, the voting for the past two world cups was clear as day a push for new nations and new continents, the only reason the voting changed from one federation only, was because Brazil were the only nation to put in a bid and 2014 became a bit of a joke, the ONLY reason bids were "opened up to anyone" was to avoid 2014 again, NOT to change the mandate of new continents and new countries.
England didn't have a chance from day 1, neither did USA, France, Germany, Mexico, Italy, etc, no one who held it before had a hope in hell of getting it, so again, why did we bid?