Correct me if I'm wrong but is the AW QD-oled not the closest we have to the £30k oled sony monitor? The Samsung QD-oleds main problem seems to come down to its calibration, tone mapping choice etc. of samsung. All in all, the tech itself i.e. QD-oled looks to be better in pretty much every way to lgs oled?
It is easy though, LG OLED for tv, movies and console gaming. Alienware QD-OLED for browsing and playing PC games. Best of both worlds. That’s what I have anyways
Oh and I could easily sell my Alienware for £1100 now and make £300+ profit, but I am keeping it as I really like it. I have another one on the way which I will sell for profit. If all works out the Alienware would have cost me £450 in the end and I will easily get that for it in 3 years, so basically free
I mean tell me of one other monitor that is better for gaming? As you so like to quote Vincent all the time, let me quote him to you…
Only reason I don't use the AW for films and tv shows is down to size and also the fact that I want to lye back and chill when watching content.... Which is a shame as the AW QD-oled is just "superior" to the lg oled in:
- motion
- dark area/shadow detail
- uniformity
- lack of any tinting and vignette
- better hdr performance all round
I do much prefer the anti glare coating of the AW to pure glossy of my LG too, just far usable without even needing to faff with closing curtains over, angles etc.
Funny thing is, as per usual, it's the people who don't own said products stating there are issues and how awful said product is, a common trend on these forums
Maybe grim can buy one and do some testing and if it is crap, smash it with his hammer
What's rather amusing is the narrative has now changed, originally apparently "qd-oled" looked washed out in the comparisons:
That photo of the husky just pops more on your lg oled thanbthe Alienware - the Alienware continue to look full to me in any comparison- must be that anti glare coating
But now all of a sudden it is "over saturated"?
Would be interesting to see a comparison between the samsung qd-oled and the aw qd-oled to see which one is technically better.... Also the inevitable lg c2 vs aw qd-oled video.
Before I move it ro the office some quick side by sides with the x34p:
Last one is Rush on Netflix in 1080p.
There was a lot of noise made about reflections but the AW easily outdoes the x34p here as well.
No point showing games or HDR as it's a just a massacre. Even more so than the image quality difference are the motion differences. The lack of blur and motion clarity is way more impactful than the IQ differences you'll notice. The motion clarity is something you'll appreciate each time as well while you get used to the better picture pretty quickly.
Due to how exposure works, irl, the x34p is about 5% darker in person while the AW is about 5% lighter but it's immaterial to the differences in quality between the two panels.
But but but.... the blacks are suppose to be awful in bright rooms and no better than IPS!!!!
Some good comparisons here: