World first QD-OLED monitor from Dell and Samsung (34 inch Ultrawide 175hz)

Brightness at 56?! Yikes, you'll be on your what 6th one within a couple months then :p

Using 41% brightness here (contrast 70)

Confused... Isn't the monitor auto set to 70/70? I've always had mine at 70/75 in SDR mode as it's too dark otherwise?

EDIT : I always use HDR in Windows as well, which means the brightness setting is greyed out
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Always having HDR in in Windows messes with SDR colours as Windows is not good enough yet at handling SDR content in HDR mode like MacOS is. Maybe in Windows 12 though...
Always having HDR in in Windows messes with SDR colours as Windows is not good enough yet at handling SDR content in HDR mode like MacOS is. Maybe in Windows 12 though...

Ahh I use Windows 11, seems fine. Just went by all the DWF guides
It's always been said to turn it on for games that support it or if watching something HDR. Off for everything else. 99% of the content online is SDR not HDR, and most games now will trigger HDR mode anyway and drop back to SDR when exiting a game. Those that don't can use a free utility to auto turn on/off Windows HDR mode. Also with the XBOX Game Bar installed ALT+WINKEY+B will toggle HDR mode too.
It's always been said to turn it on for games that support it or if watching something HDR. Off for everything else. 99% of the content online is SDR not HDR, and most games now will trigger HDR mode anyway and drop back to SDR when exiting a game. Those that don't can use a free utility to auto turn on/off Windows HDR mode. Also with the XBOX Game Bar installed ALT+WINKEY+B will toggle HDR mode too.

Much appreciated MRK, will take your advice on board and try different settings
My only annoyance with turning on and off HDR mode is that unlike on a TV being used as a monitor (LG C series for example), HDR mode on a monitor like these takes a couple seconds to toggle as the display switches modes. If it was instant like on a TV then there'd be no problem for me. The couple of seconds delay I just find annoying :p
My only annoyance with turning on and off HDR mode is that unlike on a TV being used as a monitor (LG C series for example), HDR mode on a monitor like these takes a couple seconds to toggle as the display switches modes. If it was instant like on a TV then there'd be no problem for me. The couple of seconds delay I just find annoying :p

Yep agreed.. I have a hi-sens 120hz/4k/HDR TV and that's instant :/
WHo knows the next gen QD-OLEDS may not have the delay so everybody wins, Windows 12 would be out by then too.
My only annoyance with turning on and off HDR mode is that unlike on a TV being used as a monitor (LG C series for example), HDR mode on a monitor like these takes a couple seconds to toggle as the display switches modes. If it was instant like on a TV then there'd be no problem for me. The couple of seconds delay I just find annoying :p
Yea, and if you don’t have HDR enabled on windows desktop and you alt tab out of an HDR game it’s a mare…
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Oh yeah forgot to post the verification sheet from DisplayCAL for the turbo nerds among us :D

Not a single tone out of whack :cool:

Worth noting that I observed having ambient light on in the room changes the overall measurement ever so slightly due to the way the front panel filter lifts the black in the presence of ambient light, I have blinds closed but there's still light coming in due to it being daylight, whereas last night during calibration it was pitch black. I guess there's no real way to avoid this quirk of the nature of display profiling. Just make the room as dark as possible etc during the task :p
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Oh yeah forgot to post the verification sheet from DisplayCAL for the turbo nerds among us :D

Not a single tone out of whack :cool:

Worth noting that I observed having ambient light on in the room changes the overall measurement ever so slightly due to the way the front panel filter lifts the black in the presence of ambient light, I have blinds closed but there's still light coming in due to it being daylight, whereas last night during calibration it was pitch black. I guess there's no real way to avoid this quirk of the nature of display profiling. Just make the room as dark as possible etc during the task :p

It's amazing how you managed to use it in its default state all this time and be happy :p
The default Creator mode calibration in sRGB is actually very pleasing to the eye to be fair, and at the time to my eye it looked very close to what the old IPS was outputting too with subtle differences here and there. The only thing that Creator mode removed was the OLED punch in primary colours like red (especially), since Standard mode has over saturated primary colours. Standard mode as reviews have shown is rather way out of whack for colour accuracy, I think HDTVTest found it to have a delta exceeding 7 or something like that? Whereas Creator mode was under 2.0 which is classed as good colour accuracy.

Now the more subtle punch is restored in the custom colour mode whilst still being colour accurate. Also on the IPS I was at around 90-100cd/m2 for brightness, whereas now I'm at 120, so things are a bit brighter still but I guess the nature of how I use the display has now changed too with wanting a bit of a better wow factor having grown used to having a massive OLED ultrawide on the desk vs a neutrally calibrated IPS that can only get so bright anyway :D
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It almost certainly doesn't matter if you're on 8 or 10 bit if you have an nvidia card, the 8-bit dither on NV cards is so good nobody can tell the difference anyway, I'm just at 10-bit because my own peace of mind and because I don't use 175Hz due to noticing VRR flicker the most vs 144Hz so figured I'd slap it into 10-bit anyway since I'm using 144Hz.

175hz feels so nice in even just windows now, going back to 144hz makes it feel sluggish :cry: When vincent states there is no difference even in hdr content then you know to stick with 8 bit + frc :p

Look forward to the day when all games can be ran at a locked 150+ fps, it's so clean in motion
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If I came out from under your bed and switched the mode to 144Hz I bet any money you'd not know it was running at 144 vs 175 :p

After 120Hz we approach diminishing returns levels really!
If I came out from under your bed and switched the mode to 144Hz I bet any money you'd not know it was running at 144 vs 175 :p

After 120Hz we approach diminishing returns levels really!

Agreed. Even if I can tell the difference it does not bother me. But I won't doubt he can tell the difference and that he prefers it as we all process this stuff slightly differently.

Just like how I see night and day difference to 4K vs 1440p which I find potato but you two can't see the difference or can but it is very small to you. To me it is big. That's why I gane at 5160x2160 whenever possible.

Playing Dead Space Remake at that res with DLSS on Quality. Nice and smooth for the most part. I is happy :D
Just like how I see night and day difference to 4K vs 1440p which I find potato but you two can't see the difference or can but it is very small to you. To me it is big. That's why I gane at 5160x2160 whenever possible.
I even see the difference between 1600p 38" and 1440p 34" :) I think 1600p 38" qd-oled will be the sweet spot if it ever gets released.
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