After Burning Crusade it just seems to have been going in the wrong direction tbh.
Wrath was fine. Ulduar and ICC were some of the best raid experiences they've ever created.
After Burning Crusade it just seems to have been going in the wrong direction tbh.
Wrath was fine. Ulduar and ICC were some of the best raid experiences they've ever created.
Those were the last from the original designers I think. The detail and depth of Ulduar is far beyond anything that came after it.
Cataclysm was a bit of a let-down and that's when most people quit. MOP was probably the worst thing Blizzard ever made, so they never come back to the game.
Considering picking this up again.
Vanilla - Rose tinted glasses, I remember the bad, so much bad, the bosses that were so bugged they were unkillable, crashing the server on thaddius, repeatedly... the endless consumables grind. But hell yes I would go back to it.
TBC - This is where WoW got a grip around my soul, the friends I made here, the time I spent every waking hour in the game, the game had everything for everyone.
Wrath - The peak of the game. I have such bad nostalgia when I re-watch the cinematics for this is makes my stomach turn with sadness. My DK was literally unkillable it was so geared. Server transferred at the wrong time, lost out on wrathful gladiator title. Still livid about that years on. Best guilds, best friends, best raids, best PVP, actual spec choice.
Cata - Oh man, what a disaster. BoT / BWD were so easy, total snooze fests. Firelands kicked it up a notch with some nasty fights, dragon soul was just addon-raiding.
MOP - I actually enjoyed MOP, lots to do, the raiding was fun, all of them, that is until SoO and the ridiculous repeat farming until WoD.
WoD - Due to getting bored of farming SoO for the 50th time I fell away from WoW, missed this expac until HFC. Did it, got bored, left again.
Legion - Started again, leveled up, found the lack of buttons just killed my enjoyment, game skill level completely floored out, raiding guilds wanting 1 main and 5 alts and **** like that. Never took part, did the storyline quests, watched the cinematics.
BFA - I have mixed feelings so far I like the direction its heading, all out war, I don't like what we've been shown of the raids so far. It feels like "oh hey we have these cool ideas, lets just mash them in somewhere because reasons". Game still feels completely skill-less.
What are peoples first impressions with it? I've got it sitting in my basket but with a house move on Friday I really shouldn't.