World of Warcraft: Classic

I rolled a warrior about two months before BC, i named him warrackhunt, i used to get big LOL's from other players as they went by.
I played on and off until WOD then gave up. As others have said i think Blizz need to launch Classic sooner than one to two years while there's still hype for it.
Just started playing a shadow priest on Elysium lvl 15, after a few hours a night for the last week, spent most of the time running back to my body lol.
It's still good fun, but not the same as years ago when i was a complete noob.
It's Blizzard soon™ can mean years sadly, If they had come out at Blizzcon with the announcement that servers were up in December that would have been unreal instead I think they'll hope that the hype dies down or Activision stick their side in and you can only get Classic when you buy the next expansion.
Knew it wouldnt be long before someone chimed in with the "Vanilla WoW was easy compared to EQ" post, yeah it definitely was but what vanilla WoW did was get the balance at least somewhat right, clearly seen in the massive numbers they achieved in almost no time at all.

The game has elements now that are actually more difficult than it has ever been, they've just nuked the stuff that they believed many found boring and made travel almost instantaneous, this removed a big feel of it being an MMO and led many away from the game, lets not forget though that many people who got into WoW grew up and didn't have the time required anymore and the younger generation coming up weren't as interested in this genre, it's still quite astounding the game has the current level of subs it does.
True story: I have nightmares that I'm playing EQ and dying and losing weeks worth of playtime :p

I'm not going to stand here and say EQ was perfect and WoW was horrid. For me personally it's just funny to hear people - rightly or wrongly - holding Vanilla WoW up as an example of "how challenging MMOs used to be". Because challenge was not its defining characteristic compared to almost all other MMOs on the market.

The only people who might say that Vanilla WoW represents challenge are those for whom it was their first MMO.

And yeah, for whatever reason WoW did get the numbers that EQ could only dream of. It clearly understood how to appeal to the mass-market. And as I already said, after EQ tried to imitate WoW it really jumped the shark and nose-dived even faster.

The lesson to learn from that is that wanton greed, envy of your competition's financials, and attempting to copy/paste their formula into your own existing game is not always a winning move :p
It's Blizzard soon™ can mean years sadly, If they had come out at Blizzcon with the announcement that servers were up in December that would have been unreal instead I think they'll hope that the hype dies down or Activision stick their side in and you can only get Classic when you buy the next expansion.

I fear you may be right but I hope not :(

There are reports that they are hiring the staff to work on it but at the same time that they already ave a working version they're able to play so who knows exactly where they're at! I would hope that as they've announced it at this years Blizzcon it would be coming in the near-ish future, you'd hope if it were to be years down the road they'd have announced it at next years instead.
I am thinking 2019 at the earliest tbh. Conspiracy hat on - I also think it's a bit of a ploy by Blizz to prove that they can't really go back how you think they can. See how divided people are already about how they approach things.

I play on Light's Hope as a social in a Naxx clearing guild and it is great at 60 but this is without real developers involved and no expectation that things can be fundamentally changed or QOL improvements implemented.
I fear you may be right but I hope not :(

There are reports that they are hiring the staff to work on it but at the same time that they already ave a working version they're able to play so who knows exactly where they're at! I would hope that as they've announced it at this years Blizzcon it would be coming in the near-ish future, you'd hope if it were to be years down the road they'd have announced it at next years instead.

A lot of the old assets that have been replaced in zone updates / model revamps would have to be polished up and re-implemented. Probably takes time. I doubt Blizzard are willing to release it as it was in 2004 or so with those level graphics. Probably want to include all the graphical enhancements since then like weather etc.

Capturing the classic experience doesn't need to have awful graphics, just have the same gameplay.
I think that is their plan, though reading the EU and US forums there is a lot of debate as to exactly how much they should change/upgrade. I think them saying that they want feedback to decide some things could be a mistake, if they'd have just got it made and released it then people would just have to like it or not like it!
Proper talent trees would be a start, I looked at going back to catch up on some expansions I've not played and it seems so dumbed down now, It seems odd that even as a holy paladin the legendary is a 2h mace which doesn't fit the class / role that I used to love.
In someways I think opening it up to the community is a mistake. There are so many possible ways to do this and TBH I can see an argument for most ways. It should be on the new engine though.
I suspect this will flop big time. I think a lot of the demand is down to nostalgia but I don't think people will be able to rekindle the 'old days'.
I see a few people keep saying that, but what are you basing that on? The independent servers had good population, there is certainly enough demand for it and bliz do a good job for the most part. I doubt they would even consider this if they hadnt thoroughly researched it.

While i've no intention of playing it again, I had a lot of fun playing it, most of my friends will no doubt go back to it. I hope it's a big success
I suspect this will flop big time. I think a lot of the demand is down to nostalgia but I don't think people will be able to rekindle the 'old days'.

Things have moved on. What was revolutionary back then is now run of the mill and boring now.
There certainly seems to be a lot of interest at the moment, if they can keep that up I think many will give it a try, how many stick around to keep playing is another matter, there are quite a number spread around on private servers who obviously want to play it as it was and they may hook in more current or former players long term so I think there's the potential for a decent ongoing player base... Who knows maybe blizzard are hoping that they can lure players to retail with classic too.
I see a few people keep saying that, but what are you basing that on? The independent servers had good population, there is certainly enough demand for it and bliz do a good job for the most part. I doubt they would even consider this if they hadnt thoroughly researched it.

While i've no intention of playing it again, I had a lot of fun playing it, most of my friends will no doubt go back to it. I hope it's a big success

I am equally baffled as to why people keep saying it will be a flop, as I've already said twice before in this thread there are 10s of thousands who regularly play on vanilla private servers and have done for a long time. Those people are enjoying it perfectly fine. Add in others who dont play private vanilla servers and if you hit 100k people Worldwide playing on the official vanilla servers then you have more than enough to fill a couple of official vanilla servers. If even 50% of those are people who currently are not paying blizzard monthly and have reactivated their accounts and are now paying monthly to play vanilla then its a success. Some people have been playing the private vanilla servers for 2+ years now, if they (and others) play the official vanilla servers, paying Blizzard monthly for 2 years then, again, thats a success. I keep seeing folks on other forums and sites saying it will flop and sometimes it seems like there is a portion of people out there, who for some reason or other, want it to fail. No idea why though.

If 100k people across the entire world, pay monthly to play on the official vanilla servers (more than some MMOs have in total in their playerbases) then thats a success imo.
And yeah, for whatever reason WoW did get the numbers that EQ could only dream of. It clearly understood how to appeal to the mass-market. And as I already said, after EQ tried to imitate WoW it really jumped the shark and nose-dived even faster.

Unfortunately, corpse runs to obtain your gear seem to be a thing of the past. This stuff used to haunt me in EQ especially on the Plane of Sky or in The Hole.

Even the progression servers on EQ now don't seem to offer corpse runs now, however 'vanilla' they claim that the experience is.

As painful as they were, they were a REAL deterrent to not mess up and be on top of your game because it could be a long night if it went south.

I remember raiding in Dragon Necropolis and wiping far in to the zone. Two of our guild's monks worked tirelessly to obtain our corpses back. I remember passing out on my keyboard and one of my guild friends from Australia calling me on my mobile to wake me up so I could consent him to pull it out.

Pantheon seems to be a push to bring this sort of challenge back.
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