World of Warcraft: Classic

I have so many great memories of vanilla. Similar to most, I started on release in high school with the majority of my friendship group also playing. It was oddly a form of social media back then, pre-Facebook, pre-Twitter etc; logging on and catching up with mates etc. I quit before TBC just because it was consuming my life.

- Running through Wetlands for the first time underleveled and trying really hard to avoid mobs;
- Hogger, Deadmines, Goldshire etc;
- Experiencing the starting area with hundreds of other players;
- First mount at level 40 and grinding to buy the epic mount at 60;
- World PvP pre-AV/BG and fighting in contested areas while trying to quest;
- Camping the entrance of dungeons like UBRS;
- Completing Onyxia's layer for the first time;
- Downing Ragnaros/completing MC for the first time after grinding for months (40 blokes screaming on Ventrilo was interesting);
- Farming consumables for days just to be able to raid;
- Farming resistance gear just to be able to raid;
- Marathon public Alterac Valley matches that lasted 6 hours;
- Organised 40 man groups for Alterac Valley and winning in 30 minutes;
- Camping out world bosses like Azuregos and fighting against the horde while trying to kill the boss;
- The sense of community and bumping into known players;
- The sheer volume of players in Ironforge and Stormwind;
- The travelling (which I actually liked) as it really emphasised how big the world was at the time;
- Grinding to Field Marshal in PvP;
- First legendary item;
- Hitting 60 after grinding for months;
- The excitement of seeing what the boss dropped and rolling for items;
- Building up DKP for months and finally getting the item you wanted from a raid!

I could go on for pages and maybe I do see vanilla with rose-tinted glasses, but what a game it was.
I'm gonna be all over this. Played on Bloodfeather Alliance in Vanilla. Always remember seeing Maethor (Rank 14 Warrior) in front of the IF bank and looking at him in awe. Man, he had a lot of HK's.

There was also Øl (Human Rogue) who was pretty much full Tier 3 with the Qiraji black mount. Pretty certain there was an Orc Shaman from a guild called RUSH with Hand of Rag too that would always gank me in Silithus whilst I'm trying to farm Twilight Texts.

I remember doing my Hunter quest for the bow & staff too.

I raided pretty hard in Vanilla, clearing only up to Twin Emps (AQ40) due to a couple guild disbands etc. but I had some decent gear. 6/8 Tier 2, Crossbow from Chromaggus and a few AQ40 bits.

Spent far too much time in AV for the reputation. The Arathi Basin pre-mades we did on a Saturday morning as a guild were wicked too. Seeing the ZG Tiger dropping and losing the roll.

Was there any news on if it will be old graphics too? There's been a number of model revamps over time. Surely they could keep the classic experience while still using the updated human models etc.
Was there any news on if it will be old graphics too? There's been a number of model revamps over time. Surely they could keep the classic experience while still using the updated human models etc.

Most of the Vanilla private servers now use the new models anyway.
Really hope the servers are rammed. I loved vanilla starting zones, couldn't get any mobs, quest items, mining nodes due to the amount of people playing. The satisfaction though when you did was well worth it.

What makes vanilla so good is the world isn't really that big, so players aren't spread out so much. I enjoyed knowing all the flight paths/routes to various dungeons.
It's really funny (odd) to see people being nostalgic for Vanilla WoW.

Because WoW was to many of us long-time UO/EQ players the embodiment of things getting easier; hand-holding by the bucketful, instant gratification, incredibly shallow and ... well, dumb.

So to hear people saying "modern MMOs are too easy compared to Vanilla WoW"... it's an odd feeling.

And as I always say (for people who never played EQ)... EQ today isn't the same game it used to be. In fact they tried to copy WoW wholescale after they started losing subscribers. EQ today (and for over a decade now) has been an awful game with no real identity - just a desire to take your money :p

But for those of us who knew EQ back in 99-2001, well, it was glorious :) WoW never even came close. It's cute that you guys are nostalgic for it :p
I'm gonna be all over this. Played on Bloodfeather Alliance in Vanilla. Always remember seeing Maethor (Rank 14 Warrior) in front of the IF bank and looking at him in awe. Man, he had a lot of HK's.

There was also Øl (Human Rogue) who was pretty much full Tier 3 with the Qiraji black mount. Pretty certain there was an Orc Shaman from a guild called RUSH with Hand of Rag too that would always gank me in Silithus whilst I'm trying to farm Twilight Texts.

I remember doing my Hunter quest for the bow & staff too.

I raided pretty hard in Vanilla, clearing only up to Twin Emps (AQ40) due to a couple guild disbands etc. but I had some decent gear. 6/8 Tier 2, Crossbow from Chromaggus and a few AQ40 bits.

Spent far too much time in AV for the reputation. The Arathi Basin pre-mades we did on a Saturday morning as a guild were wicked too. Seeing the ZG Tiger dropping and losing the roll.

That shaman you mentioned was ZN if memory serves though I thought he was touran. He was a beast as were many in Rush.
I played on Bloodfeather too but horde side... Happy memories!
What makes vanilla so good is the world isn't really that big, so players aren't spread out so much. I enjoyed knowing all the flight paths/routes to various dungeons.

It certainly felt like it with the sheer amount of walking (before getting a mount) and flying you had to do :P
I remember my mate who was a fair few levels above me. I needed the First aid book from the vendor in the ogre camp (brakenwall village ?) in Dustwallow marsh and he guided me through that zone as I was levels below the zone and I was aggroing EVERYTHING. I died loads.
Cant wait for classic ashengank, or stranglegank vale! best memory was being in stranglegank with my cousin both just about high enough to handle mobs as 2 hunters and a skull rogue was hunting us and we managed to kill him a fair few times! ofc when he did hit us it was insta death but was fun none the less!

Stealth? flare!
I didnt switch from lineage 2 to WoW until TBC but am very excited for this. My love for wow dwindled with every add on making the game easier and less sociable. The garrisons were what killed it for me.
I cannot wait to play an mmo where communication is needed again. And the professions were so much more fun and worthwhile back then.
I've never been more excited for a game in my life than I am now for Vanilla.

I keep visiting forums to talk about it and it's over one year at least before it's released.

I might freeze myself like Cartman did in south park
One of my fondest(?) memories was my warlock character and a an orc warrior when I was around level 30 going through arathi highlands. I was only travelling not sure if he was ganking or questing but I spent almost a whole Saturday on a 1v1 “ruin your life” war of killing, ganking, camping and general **** ness to one another :D

I had called my character lefthand and it was going on all day until my mate (called righthand a Mage I was levelling with) showed up and wen lured the warrior onto the bridge and used the Mage knockback ability to camp kill him by knocking him off the bridge for around 3 hours whenever he spawned :D

I should remember the warriors name as we called each other out and the realm forums and it was a long lasting grudge match which ended up involving guilds and all sorts of randoms getting dragged into it. At one point we found him trying to get into Stratholme for a dungeon run and about 20 of us camped him and his group until they all gave in and logged. :D
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