But that isn't want the OP did. There was no polite asking of the rogue, and further more there was a ninja loot revenge, then a post here that seemed to be seeking sympathy....in this case I side with the rogue.
I didn't come here for sympathy. I really don't care that I ninja'd his dagger - he deserved it. I came here to understand if others opinions are in line with my own since it seems a grey area.
I had a druid in my group last night roll on a cloth item that was healing spec. Since he was healer I passed to allow him to have it despite the fact I heal as a priest and needed it. I'd consider myself quite fair where loot is involved and actually respect my group.
I'm the bigger douche because I stole his dagger he needed, yet he stole every chest in there so which is really worth more?
As stated I played wow from vanilla to TBC as a rogue and always shared chest loot and don't ever recall claiming chests as mine on by hunter when I had engineering - it's a team effort. To say it is yours because only you have the skill, and if you were not there it wouldn't be open, and if I want to open chests raise engineering/blacksmithing is pretty selfish and ignorant. It took a team to get to those chests for him to open. The argument it is difficult to raise also doesn't apply when you enter dungeons and open every chest to ninja.
We all rolled for the chest, including the rogue. I won and he said if nobody else can open then he's claiming it, and all others. Sorry but I consider that arrogant as **** and he deserved the ninja at the end after looting the whole instances chests.
My heals cost money to buy, my mana costs money to rejuvenate through drinking. Why should he feel some heriaach because only he can open chests?
I'll take being the bigger douche if it means karma to the original douche.
Also you seem to assume quite a few things of what happened in that instance despite what limited information I gave. It wasn't just me that missed out on chests because he is selfish but 3 other people in the group; I'm not screaming omg it is all mine, the other chests could have gone to others in the group who contributed and he still raises his lock picking skill so collectively it wasn't 4 people against me. To me it wasn't even about me wanting the chests because 9/10 they are worth < 50s but the principle of selfishness behind it.
If you raided molten core with 39 others, and a locked chest appeared what do you think the opinion would be in terms of only rogues or those with blacksmithing/engineering being able to bid DKP only?