Best thing is just to wait for PVP. All the gear without the 100 runs for weapons. We got ashkandi once in over 100 runs. I had to wait 20 something runs on chromaggus for the xbow. PVP after it got buffed was tier 2.5 level anyway. I was the bane of my guild as I had R14 gear so just used all my DKP on rings and trinkets!
Oh yea i kept all mine and when we first cleared MC as i was on trial i only became a member when we started BWL and our first clear we got DFT trinket, I think i bid 256dkp for that and i reckon it was 5dkp per boss but raided when it was 2dkp. There was complete silence for a good 5mins until it appeared in my bag
Apparantly they were pretty miffed that i blew everything on it, Class leader hunters and Rogue were obviously salivating it is excellent for fury warriors too.