World of Warcraft: Classic

How long do you have to create a character at level 50 and can you change the class in some other way? If you create a new character, can you give the items yourself? All mz experience with WoW classic are mzstic and mzsterious, but it is nice and good. Trust in me, trust in dollar and if u need exchange There are a lot of healers on US and EU servers but people should know that by choosing other classes and professions they can earn much more gold than by playing support. Some raids are very important from the player's point of view and the missions you have to complete, in addition, buy wow classic gold and enjoy the day
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How long do you have to create a character at level 50 and can you change the class in some other way? If you create a new character, can you give the items yourself?

You can mail items to yourself, takes around an hour to post them. You cant change class, you can respec different talents like dps/healer. Dont understand the first question.
Two of us were helping a warrior do some elite quests, a blue leatherworking pattern drops, he needs on it after we both clicked greed. Really struggling to be bothered with people in this game, they are just take take take.
@Vita no one can say for certain what a good server would be to play on as alliance, mainly because on server population information is available as blizzard blocked census from working.

Generally the higher populated realms are the PVP realms and then you are looking at the ones that have been open since launch (excuse these spellings), Shazzhrah, Gehennas, Gollemag. Gehennas specifically has a very well known and populous guild on the alliance side in the form of APES, a hardcore PVP focused guild.

The server that some of these guys here are on is Noggenfogger, I am also there. The horde definitely outnumber the Alliance, I would guess 2:1, but theres always enough alliance about to keep groups going and progress smooth. As a hunter you would do just fine here.

Small changes, but the main one is the itemisation is from patch 1.12, so actually things are easier due to better gearing and content the same as before. The grind is still the same, but the knowledge and information that's out there make it much easier to deal with.

I just dinged 60 on my warrior (worst class to level solo) and levelled pretty much solo for all my world questing, did it in 7days 2 hours played. Compared to my first character in vanilla which was something like 14/15 days.

Also meant to add that there are multiple MC and Ony pick up groups running each week with pretty good success, most of them clear.
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I dinged 60 on Saturday on my only character and I cleared MC on Sunday evening with the guild. Not going to lie I was carried along but I served a purpose (banish duty, curse of tongues etc).
10days 11hrs in total but in my defence a portion of that was wasted during all the problems on launch week when I did an all nighter on release, and levelling fishing/cooking.


Healthy population which now averages medium. It's certainly not as busy as Mograine but definitely not dead either.

Unity (my guild)
Church of Corst

These are the 4 main Alliance guilds. We've had MC + Onyxia on farm for weeks now and we're in the process of setting up a second raid group.
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