World of Warcraft: Classic

So, judging by the interest in the Classic server here, are any of you planing to make a guild of some sorts. OcUK Classic guild. I am itching to play this now after only starting after TBC was released.
I do not understand why anyone would want this.

Massively unbalanced classes
Only one viable tank
Class designs that aren't fun to play (looking at you Seal of Casino)
Some specs that only exist for one thing (looking at you druids with Innervate, and Shadow Priests)
Tons of stuff that just didn't work properly
Massively grindy at some level ranges where the only thing to do is kill mobs for 2 levels.
Etc. Etc.

I think many people look back on vanilla WoW with rose-tinted glasses. Yeah, it was fun, in 2005.............
I loved vanilla but could never do it again, it was brutal and now I have a wife ans kids I could never give it the time it needs.

Great experience, especially the huge PVP world battles I think was in Arathi Foothillls (you had the undead farm and the human settlement iirc) which could go on for hours at end. I would never do it again, happy with my nostalgia thank you :)
I do not understand why anyone would want this.

Massively unbalanced classes
Only one viable tank
Class designs that aren't fun to play (looking at you Seal of Casino)
Some specs that only exist for one thing (looking at you druids with Innervate, and Shadow Priests)
Tons of stuff that just didn't work properly
Massively grindy at some level ranges where the only thing to do is kill mobs for 2 levels.
Etc. Etc.

I think many people look back on vanilla WoW with rose-tinted glasses. Yeah, it was fun, in 2005.............

I cant speak for everyone, but I would want it for the same reason that I played on private vanilla servers and the same reason why I found modern WoW so lifeless and soulless. Which is because when I first started in WoW Beta, the game was full of decisions to be made. Do I buy this skill/spell from the trainer with my pitiful amount of coin, do I put a skill point here on the skilltree or elsewhere. Travelling from one location to another meant walking through a really varied gameworld and meant encountering and socialising with all manner of people along the way or even better, encountering enemy for impromptu bouts of world PvP (the fights at Tarren Mill/Southshore became legendary). Some of the folks I met on the travels would end up becoming regular gaming friends in WoW (and some, onto other games too). Names and identities of players meant something and became known, either for good reasons or bad reasons. There was a need to group in order to get things done, even at very early levels, for instance you needed to group to be able to kill Maggot Eye in Tirisfal Glades, rather than just running up to him and 2-shotting him. Dungeons, even the earliest dungeons, took time and a group playing effectively to get through. Talking of time, it took time and effort to climb through the levels, usually something like 10-12 days played to reach level 60. Throughout all of which you socialised and formed connections with other players.

I see many people say oh , people are wrong, you are remembering the game with rose tinting but what many people dont realise is that no, we are not, because we played on private vanilla servers we arent remembering through rose tinted glasses because we actually recently played vanilla not 12 years ago and still loved it.
I loved vanilla but could never do it again, it was brutal and now I have a wife ans kids I could never give it the time it needs.

Great experience, especially the huge PVP world battles I think was in Arathi Foothillls (you had the undead farm and the human settlement iirc) which could go on for hours at end. I would never do it again, happy with my nostalgia thank you :)

Ah, see I'm lucky, I've gone through the kids part of life and now that they are all grown up I'm able to get back into the gaming properly ! :D
I reckon this will be just like raid timewalking. Fun for 10 minutes for the nostalgia value and then completely ignored but for a dedicated few.
I reckon this will be just like raid timewalking. Fun for 10 minutes for the nostalgia value and then completely ignored but for a dedicated few.

For some people you are right, others though will play and play and play. There were 10s of thousands of people playing on the Nostalrius/Elysium vanilla servers and they all played for a lot longer than 10 minutes. If there are a couple of classic servers then even if only those 10s of thousands who played on the private vanilla servers join , it would be a success. I myself put in hundreds and hundreds of hours on Nostalrius. As much as some people (not saying you) , for some peculiar reason, seem to want vanilla servers to fail. I truly dont think they will. In fact, I think they will do considerably better than some think.
Don't get me wrong, I hope it's a success. Just giving my view as someone who has played all the way from vanilla until now with never more than a couple of weeks break from active raiding.
Don't get me wrong, I hope it's a success. Just giving my view as someone who has played all the way from vanilla until now with never more than a couple of weeks break from active raiding.

I played only from beta through to WoTLK. After that the game took a huge detour from what I seek in an MMO and became so dumbed down and lifeless that I stopped playing, in effect it ceased being an MMO and became an online co-op game (and at many times an online single player game). For me and many others, vanilla simply was the best version of the game. Which funnily enough does seem to be the MMO pattern, Ultima Online vanilla was better than it was after they added in Trammel expansion, DAOC was better in vanilla before they added in the ToA expansion and so on. Often MMO devs , in an attempt to keep things "fresh" in MMOs, forget exactly what it was that made their MMOs so good to begin with.
Levelling for the first time to 60 was the best thing about Vanilla, especially on a PVP server, all the zones populated, loads of fighting. Actually taking some effort to level, unlike the joke of levelling these days.

Unfortunately that first time game play cant be recaptured. :)
Levelling for the first time to 60 was the best thing about Vanilla, especially on a PVP server, all the zones populated, loads of fighting. Actually taking some effort to level, unlike the joke of levelling these days.

Unfortunately that first time game play cant be recaptured. :)

It cant be captured 100% faithfully because of course we know the quests and zones now, so arent entering the unknown. It can however be captured from a point of view of the zones being heavily populated and loads of fighting.

And lets face it, given the choice of levelling from lvl 1 onwards in WoW classic, with populated zones and people having to work together, or levelling from lvl 1 onwards in modern WoW...I know which one would interest me and which one would be a mindnumbing exercise in boredom. :D
It cant be captured 100% faithfully because of course we know the quests and zones now, so arent entering the unknown. It can however be captured from a point of view of the zones being heavily populated and loads of fighting.

And lets face it, given the choice of levelling from lvl 1 onwards in WoW classic, with populated zones and people having to work together, or levelling from lvl 1 onwards in modern WoW...I know which one would interest me and which one would be a mindnumbing exercise in boredom. :D

Cant beat ambushing seated mages. :p
Don't get me wrong, I hope it's a success. Just giving my view as someone who has played all the way from vanilla until now with never more than a couple of weeks break from active raiding.

Can't imagine what your /played is! I was 200 days on vanilla which is shocking to be brutally honest but have only played sporadically since wotlk came out.
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