World of Warcraft: Classic

Rose tinted or not, world PVP was a very special thing in Vanilla (and TBC / WotLK in all fairness). Got some very fond memories being in the midst of the huge raids that used to happen and take place in the middle of the arse-end of nowhere, or the huge raids on Stormwind, World Bosses etc.

There's certainly "a" demand for Vanilla, but I honestly don't think that demand is great enough for Blizzard to support it long-term. Elysium is averaging what, 11-12k a day maybe? Nostalrius (when I played it) was similar numbers too. Compared to how many millions on WoW proper? Sure, you'll get a huge influx of people that will want to reminisce or "see what the fuss is about" as they missed it the first time round. But long term? Just don't see it surviving like everyone, myself included, want it to.
There's certainly "a" demand for Vanilla, but I honestly don't think that demand is great enough for Blizzard to support it long-term. Elysium is averaging what, 11-12k a day maybe? Nostalrius (when I played it) was similar numbers too. Compared to how many millions on WoW proper? Sure, you'll get a huge influx of people that will want to reminisce or "see what the fuss is about" as they missed it the first time round. But long term? Just don't see it surviving like everyone, myself included, want it to.

Whats the current max population on an official server? I mean if its 5k, then just 15k a day would be enough for 3 full official vanilla servers. I'm not sure because I havent checked but I think that would put it on a par with the number of RP-PVP servers. I mean its never going to be in the millions obviously but I think it can certainly be a success, even if it only totals a couple hundred thousand vanilla players worldwide thats still more active players than some MMOs have in total, just for vanilla servers. Not to mention that if it hit say 100,000 "new" accounts as a result of having vanilla servers (and A LOT of my friends are saying they will reactivate their accounts just for vanilla servers) then thats £1 million extra a month. Which I know is a drop in the ocean for Blizzard but still not to be sniffed at.
Certainly a lot of people will stop playing after a while as it's not what they remember or those trying it for the first time not what they want but equally I think as well as those who have been after this a while I think a good number of those trying it fresh will stick around... If for no other reason than the time and effort they'll end up pouring in :p
I cannot wait. As a PvPer back then, am I the only one looking forward to the return of marathon Alterac Valleys?!? It really ****** me off when they nerfed it. People looking for quick wins just simply went to WSG and AB instead. Although infuriating at times especially going into days but it actually felt like an epic battle rather than the 20 minute sprint it's become now.

I periodically go back to WoW every 6-9 months I'd say but I can't sustain it. Nothing keeps me there. Like someone else mentioned you can do too much yourself now. Log in and within 5 mins you've normally joined a random group and the mad rush to finish. You don't even need to be in a guild now unless you are looking for high end raiding. I mean I've joined guilds where everyone's playing solo...10 people all in the same dungeon but all playing with random x-realm players. Zero conversation happening. I do envy some of you who still have your old guildies and buddies from way back when. It's definitely the part I miss most.

Xrealm groups and convenience have a lot to answer for this in my opinion, it's totally removed the community aspect away. Repeating a lot of what's already been said but going into a BG and thinking 'Oh shi...not him' etc just isn't there anymore. You definitely took note of names back then, friend and foe - for good and bad! Small things mattered, running into someone and helping to take down a mob or help with a ganker would get people remembered. Even forming groups you had a long list of names to /w outside of your guildies.

It just feels like most things come too easy now. Epics stopped feeling 'epic' a long time ago to most people, hell even legendaries have the last time I played. Whilst there were some things that definitely helped I think they could have reigned it in and not gone so over the top. Definitely feels like they've tried to cater for everyone to make sure nobody misses out. Way too much 'handholding' for me but the WoW community have voted overwhelmingly for such features.

I only ever reached the old rank 10 champion in PvP, whilst playing pretty heavily but it didn't bother me that I wouldn't go any further. Not that I couldn't have but I was already putting in enough hours. a lot of people are not like that though and whine/moan on forums about how unattainable R14 is. I can only assume the same happened ten fold with the PvE side. Overall things just stopped feeling so special by giving them out en masse imo.

TLDR: Yes I'm looking forward to it even if it's a flash in the pan.
There's certainly "a" demand for Vanilla, but I honestly don't think that demand is great enough for Blizzard to support it long-term. Elysium is averaging what, 11-12k a day maybe? Nostalrius (when I played it) was similar numbers too. Compared to how many millions on WoW proper? Sure, you'll get a huge influx of people that will want to reminisce or "see what the fuss is about" as they missed it the first time round. But long term? Just don't see it surviving like everyone, myself included, want it to.

Yea, but as good as Elysium / Nostalrius was, its still not an official server with all the trimmings.
In terms of convenience but not handing things over on a plate, I do think WoTLK was the pinnacle point of the game. Longest I stuck around in game post vanilla, everything since has just been a month here and there and odd trial.

Think last time I played was the panda expansion where you got your own fort. Basically found that everyone just sat around in their fort grinding things out, zero community spirit and most of the guild was gone too.

I did play on Nostalrius as well after that and certain things are even harder than I remember such as all the bloody travelling, how expensive mounts are in relation to how little gold you generate and no bloody rage for anything when levellng a warrior :p

Still loved it though and rose tinted glasses held up well. Done professionally without so the drama that happens in vanilla servers now, I'm all over this, even if for a couple of months. Taking down Ragnaros again in a 40 man raid would feel great!
I hope blizzard allow characters to roll back to vanilla. I have my whole lvl 60 hunter gear sitting in my bank. Ashjrethul, rhokdellar and the staff. Full field marshal gear although I did sell my full tier 1, tier 2 and my 4/8 teir 3.
I think WoWs a very unique game in that it's actually had the opportunity to grow up with it's players, unlike most games that release, have there 3 months of peak playtime then start to die. Sure, some of the changes post WoTLK where likely done purely to draw in nooby players, but I guarantee most where done because there core audience had grown up. People just weren't willing to sacrifice the amount of time even the simplest things in vanilla took to do. Personally, I preferred TBC to vanilla anyway...

Don't get me wrong, there's an audience there for this and I've no doubt it'll do really well. But yeah, just defending post TBC Blizzard xD
I hope blizzard allow characters to roll back to vanilla. I have my whole lvl 60 hunter gear sitting in my bank. Ashjrethul, rhokdellar and the staff. Full field marshal gear although I did sell my full tier 1, tier 2 and my 4/8 teir 3.
Very unlikely. It would be too much effort to revert things. Plus I think they'd want to start it completely fresh, level 1 for all.

Will probably be highly publicized and there might be realm first 60 prize etc.
I hope blizzard allow characters to roll back to vanilla. I have my whole lvl 60 hunter gear sitting in my bank. Ashjrethul, rhokdellar and the staff. Full field marshal gear although I did sell my full tier 1, tier 2 and my 4/8 teir 3.

Pointless if they do this, roll back my rogue and take with it the 50million odd gold or so it has, could just buy my way to kel.
God, to do the grind to lvl 60 along with getting gold for a mount, I can't do that again! LOL!

Well that's what people asked for lol, the true classic experience. A lot of people have hyper-rose tinted goggles and don't remember how bad some things were. Hope they enjoy walking everywhere :p
Well that's what people asked for lol, the true classic experience. A lot of people have hyper-rose tinted goggles and don't remember how bad some things were. Hope they enjoy walking everywhere :p

Walking everywhere was one of the best things about private vanilla servers, actually meant that you bumped into people
Levelling was the best bit, actually putting some effort into it, having to walk, saving up for a mount.

Levelling in any RPG is the best bit for me. :)
Months I had to put up with a lvl 40 mount!!

With 90% of the guild whizzing passed me whenever we went off for a hunt or raid was embarrassing!.. :(

So I put aside 2 solid weeks of grinding the same mobs over and over to get the gold for lvl60 mount! (similar to South Park Warcraft episode when lvling up) LOL!
Months I had to put up with a lvl 40 mount!!

With 90% of the guild whizzing passed me whenever we went off for a hunt or raid was embarrassing!.. :(

So I put aside 2 solid weeks of grinding the same mobs over and over to get the gold for lvl60 mount! (similar to South Park Warcraft episode when lvling up) LOL!

For my alt I sold a backstab book from AQ20 on the AH for 1,000 gold, I may have told my guild I still needed it on my rogue... good times.
World pvp, av, the first epic mount, hitting 60 and the first time through molten core were all great. It literally looks and feels like a cartoon to me now though and not in a good way :D

Oh, and getting both dal rends from ubrs and double nightslayer pieces in one run. Shame it looked so bad compared to blood fang.
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