World of Warcraft: Classic

I've been in since it went up and it's unplayable so you're not missing much. Im watching Americans level up but we can't accept quests or tag mobs. The sheer number of people here is insane.
Watching Asmongold... very stranger fella, but my god that sudden spawn of people logging in...

I haven't watched him in a while but he is sitting at 275,000 viewers....That is absolutely insane.

Think I'll end up missing tonight and seeing what tomorrow is like. Still 17,000 in the queue.
5k queue to begin with on Mograine. Hard to believe a server created at 6pm today hit the full status in about three hours.
Might get to actually get to play when the initially hype wears off and those who find it too difficult to play quit.
Tried to get on to Firemaw, got D/Cd around 10,000th in the queue. Tried a random medium pop PVP server - got World Server Down message. Tried a low pop PVP server - got to log in, ran to Stormwind, and am now trapped there with a few other lost souls in our own instance of Stormwind we can't 'leave' - in that even if we do leave we go out to an empty world, Silent Hill style.. :P

Logged in.

Yeah no.

Chasing boars to try and get a hit in the instant they spawn when there's 500 other people in the area doing the same.

Right back to the stone age of MMO before instancing was invented for exactly this reason.
Logged in.

Yeah no.

Chasing boars to try and get a hit in the instant they spawn when there's 500 other people in the area doing the same.

Right back to the stone age of MMO before instancing was invented for exactly this reason.

When I was in it seemed like the layering kept going on and off, you could see large amounts of players vanish and questing became a lot easier.

When I first logged in it clearly wasn’t working.. it was a total cluster truck
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