***World of Warcraft : Legion***

It would be nice to join an OCUK guild. There was one on silvermoon during WOD which was cool.

That was the one I had put together. We lost so many people to the server problems on launch week. Went to take a small break from raiding over xmas and by then I think the hype had worn off and the garrison imprisonment had kicked in.

Maybe putting together a weekly normal mode raid and using the xrealm grouping for people to join would be easier.

Honestly Id like to have a community again. Potentially try an old content reroll guild to see how the changes in old raids hold up at the correct level. While we all wait for classic.
I'd be up for it. I rerolled my latest toon on Silvermoon which is what the old guild was on.

I remember it being really hard to get enough online to run raids, back then you really needed a minimum of 14 because they hadn't got the scaling quite right. I think they're all doable with 10 men now though (maybe?).
I'd be up for some if we had a community - I've played since Vanilla but have done maybe 3 dungeons in that time :p and they were all low level ones like RFC/SM! Anyone need a noob for cannon fodder?

Would prefer horde though, I like being undead!
I re-sub now and then, been in a few small guilds but they fall apart, or you get kicked out as not made enough progression with gear etc, but the guild wont take you on mythic+ etc

So often end up just doing pug's
I cancelled my sub before Argus came out as I'd burnt myself out progressing on ToS Mythic. BfA does look good mind you so will probably end up re-subbing once that's released.
The new leveling system is a bit brutal, doing dungeon runs actually require some team work rather than the steamrolling that happened before the latest patch.
The new leveling system is a bit brutal, doing dungeon runs actually require some team work rather than the steamrolling that happened before the latest patch.

Yea, I'm not sure about the new system. I kind of understand why they did it but at this stage levelling for a lot of people is just something you have to go through to get to end game.

They should have left the xp gains the same but made things more challenging.

It's weird, I'm looking forward to classic specifically because levelling is so long and hard but in retail they're trying to shoehorn part of that into the game which is not designed around levelling and it just doesn't work.
Probably sticking it into retail now so by the time classic eventually gets a release people who never played it won't suddenly have a shock that you can't steamroll a dungeon and aoe everything down.
Probably sticking it into retail now so by the time classic eventually gets a release people who never played it won't suddenly have a shock that you can't steamroll a dungeon and aoe everything down.

I'm not sure about that. Classic is never going to be their cash cow. It'll see highish numbers for a month or 2 then drop down regardless I reckon.

I think difficulty up = good, longer grind to 120 = bad essentially. So a higher dungeon difficulty I'd definitely keep.
Leveled a void elf mage to 110 and got my heritage armour which is really nice. I didn't realise the effect is actually permanently on as long as you transmog the chest, but at the same time thats annoying as the chestpiece is really revealing for class which is a shame.

The leveling experience is so much better now. I actually completed a few zones on the way to 80 because I didn't need to move on after leveling up which is a great change for me. I ended up doing duskwood > stranglethorn > desolace > eastern plaguelands > hellfire peninsula > shalozar basin > grizzly hills. This got me to 80, then went to pandaria instead of cataclysm content til 90, then the usual WOD and Legion after that.

Slowest point in leveling seemed to be between 35 and 58 and I genuinely dreaded to think about how slow the rest would be, however it was far faster than I expected.

Was wearing full heirlooms and have around 3 days playtime for reference with a mixture of questing and LFR dungeons.
Thats not so bad to be fair James, that's quicker than what I would have expected.

Id def be up for doing a social guild though. Maybe do some M+ once we get toons to 110.
I'd be interested in joining a social guild. I tend to dip in and out of the game and usually end up cancelling when I run out of things to do, though much of that is because I haven't been in a decent guild since the first expansion.

I also struggle to settle on a character type, which makes it hard for me to maintain enthusiasm.
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