***World of Warcraft : Legion***

Been following this thread for a while, recently returned and rolled a ally toon on SM, would be up for joining a social guild.
I started a character yesterday and it was great fun - will be great if we can get more onboard :)

Thanks to Mark for sending me some bags and gold, it's so nice not having to empty my bags every 3 quests haha. Will be on later tonight :)
I'd be up for joining this too - will be around today at various points if anyone is available to sling out an invite.

Haven't played alliance since vanilla so pretty much a fresh start for me so will be good to bumble through the levelling process etc. again.

Anyway, my Blizz id is: Crank#2218, see you in game.

@Nikumba - the guild name is: Never mind the Murlocs
Ok so whats the aim of this guild? I sort of skim read some posts and saw one mention doing what the Overachievers did, eg cap at 60,70 etc. Is this just a levelling guild getting to max as fast as possible or one just for fun and the social aspect mulling along taking time
Ok so whats the aim of this guild? I sort of skim read some posts and saw one mention doing what the Overachievers did, eg cap at 60,70 etc. Is this just a levelling guild getting to max as fast as possible or one just for fun and the social aspect mulling along taking time

At the moment its just for the social side of things. It was myself that said about trying a reroll guild. Id be willing to give it a blast if others are. Might make its own thread to gage interest as I imagine quite a few people would skip over the existing legion thread at this point.

If a reroll guild did come of this. It might be worth making a new guild for it for a fresh everything. The current one contains my own and several of my friends 110s and the bank has quite the mix of multi expansion junk in it.
I would possibly try out a new re-roll guild. They are fun and tend to be more relaxed. Also with what I have read up on the new patches, scaled levelling etc it would be more fun in dungeons with a guild group. So yeah, guess put me down for a re-roll if it gets a go ahead :)
I need billions of artifact power to upgrade mine. If it's a quest that isn't giving me at least 1 billion, I won't even bother :p
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