***World of Warcraft : Legion***

Can throw together a social guild if people are interested. I still have the guild from back in WoD just sat full of some alts of mine and a few mates.
Battletag is Markeh#2286
Have set it so all ranks can ginvite people. Guild name is Never mind the Murlocs, for anyone wanting to search for it.
So what realm / faction are you lot playing? Just recently treated myself to a decent gaming rig after a few years off and I'm back on WoW. Ready to roll any realm really as long as it's got a decent population.

Freelanc3rX < Steam, feel free to add!
Yep, I always have a few go to race/class combinations and some races I think should be entirely scrubbed from existence (I am looking at you Gnomes)

I have just started playing again and have just fallen back into playing my Orc Shaman. Although I really want to play a Lightforged Drenai Paladin because that class theme yo.
Orc\Tauren\Worgen\Human are my go to's usually.

I hate gnomes with a passion. My first character was a Troll Rogue on a PVP server, I would go out of my way to ensure I killed any Gnome characters I came across because screw them.
Blood elf paladin is my favourite class/race combo. My hate for alliance has to be dwarves and male draenei. The void elves look dank, however not ready for that rep grinding just to get them.
Guys im gonna use this opptunity to roll a spec ive never played before and make a Holy Pala, will create a lightforged dranei one on silvermoon. Due to lack of time i may be a bit slower levelling but someone chuck me an invite to the guild and ill join the fun when i can :D

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