***World of Warcraft : Legion***

i think that scorpiong g is fing overpowerd
its like a scout with a massive anti tank gun mounted on top,

premium doesn't mean crap no more :(, makes you fell 20/80
premium is the new normal!

will play it cause its awesome but damn its hard sometimes

arrghhhh arrrghhh arghhh arghhh damnit
next time

Why still play, when u can guy a £30 premium tank to pe pep...
i dont know
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i think that scorpiong g is fing overpowerd
its like a scout with a massive anti tank gun mounted on top,

premium doesn't mean crap no more :(, makes you fell 20/80
premium is the new normal!

will play it cause its awesome but damn its hard sometimes

arrghhhh arrrghhh arghhh arghhh damnit
next time

Why still play, when u can guy a £30 premium tank to pe pep...
i dont know

U wot m8?
Resubbed to this yesterday. I've skipped all of Legion and last played up to level 100, used the free character boost on my old level 85 priest.. logged in to much confusion

Why am I back in Dalaran? I feel like I'm going to have to level up one of my 100 chars to 110 just to understand the game again, fairly sure if I join a random LFG as shadow priest at 110 I'll get kicked after trash mobs or will I be able to heal as disc with the green gear I've been given when choosing shadow spec? (all with +crit instead of spirit I'm guessing but didn't check properly). Also when I change spec my (beige?) weapons are no longer usable, but guessing I can get a spirit staff off AH

Thanks in advance to anyone who can be bothered to answer, I did know everything about this game at one point but feel completely new again
Gear is pretty interchangable these days. You have haste crit mastery and versatility. Some stats will be better or worse but all work

For a weapon do the disc artifact quest from the priest order hall. You can buy a green weapon from a vendor in the order hall

Most 5 mans are just zerg'd these days. (hc atleast) so I wouldn't worry.
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Resubbed to this yesterday. I've skipped all of Legion and last played up to level 100, used the free character boost on my old level 85 priest.. logged in to much confusion

Why am I back in Dalaran? I feel like I'm going to have to level up one of my 100 chars to 110 just to understand the game again, fairly sure if I join a random LFG as shadow priest at 110 I'll get kicked after trash mobs or will I be able to heal as disc with the green gear I've been given when choosing shadow spec? (all with +crit instead of spirit I'm guessing but didn't check properly). Also when I change spec my (beige?) weapons are no longer usable, but guessing I can get a spirit staff off AH

Thanks in advance to anyone who can be bothered to answer, I did know everything about this game at one point but feel completely new again

Unfortunately the character boost skips the start of Legion and the beginning of your class campaign so you're straight into things but have no idea what happened to get there. If you want to see roughly what you missed, particularly from a story perspective the following video may be of interest, the initial part is the Demon Hunter starter experience but then it goes onto the Legion intro proper and explains why you're in Dalaran a bit:

The 'beige' weapons are the 'Artifacts' you may have heard about. Each class has one for each spec, once you get all 3 priest weapons you'll swap weapons as you change spec automatically. Each artifact has a series of traits (shift+right click the artifact to open it) from doing basically any kind of content you'll get items granting you 'artifact power', using these will add that power to your currently equipped artifact and unlock traits which you can add at a sort of weapon forge located in your class hall - I think priests have a spell to teleport to their class hall.

As Puppetmaster said most 5 man dungeons certainly up to Heroic, possibly up to normal Mythics depending on the group are pretty easy at this point of the expansion. Of course you may get the occasional idiot who complains or even kicks you but I generally find most people fairly understanding and helpful so basically don't worry, do your best and try to learn.

I say 'normal' mythics because of the Mythic+ keystone system added in legion which you may wish to explore once you've geared up a bit:

Each class also has its own Discord server which are generally good resources so you may wish to look into those:

Also if you're intending to stick around I'd definitely look to find a decent guild so you have people in game you can ask questions/group with.
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Anyone by chance know if we'll still have access to class order halls in BAF ? I know they'll be kind of useless but just for the armour pieces for transmog.
Yes I imagine it will be just like the Garrisons, all still there if you want to go back. Only things that are definitely going to be unobtainable are the Mage tower challenge skins and the +15 mythic + recolor for your artifacts,
I've been invited to the beta for bfa. What happens at the end of it? They have wiped characters from alpha.
Do you play your own character or a new leveled up one?
How do i start the quest to obtain my flying skill? Cheers

If you're leveling and learning to fly for the first time, get to 60 and go to the riding trainer in a major city, learn Expert Riding and you can fly in all content up to Draenor (level 90). If you want to fly in Draenor you need the Draenor Pathfinder achievement (basically complete the Draenor content), if you're leveling I'd just skip this as you'll be in Legion content before you get it, you can go back to it later.

If you're in Legion content (98+) then you need both parts of the Broken Isles Pathfinder achievement, again this is basically a case of doing the content, your class campaign, the broken shore quests, explore the broken isles stuff like that:

I've been invited to the beta for bfa. What happens at the end of it? They have wiped characters from alpha.
Do you play your own character or a new leveled up one?

At the moment you make a fresh character starting at 110 and do the introductory scenario for the expansion, Battle of Lordaeron. I imagine they'll add character copying later on in the beta and at the end it will all be wiped.
I've really not enjoyed the alpha and now the beta to the point where I think I'll give the game a few months after launch before actually trying it out. Its still half finished on beta with major class redesigns still awaiting alpha style implementation so it'll more than likely be a pretty buggy launch.

The GCD change is just too annoying to actually want to play the game as it feels too damn slow!
I can't decide what to do anymore, aside from chasing cutting edge (7/11M now with my team, should be 8/11 on Thursday), I can't find anything else to do.

I've maxed professions on my main, I'm running through the balance of power questline (jesus... Such a long questline). I have no interest in fishing. I may just farm, but even that might be pointless as the market is starting to die down. I joined late, in 7.3 so not sure if I missed anything pre 7.3. Not played since TBC so I'm wondering if it's worth running through the other zones storylines on my main, I'd insta kill everything but it could be fun? Maybe?

Ideas anyone?
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