** World of Warcraft : Shadowlands **

Yeah I'm the same always play solo so would be cool if we could get a small group of us.

All my toons are Horde but with the levelling revamp it's hardly an issue if I rolled Alliance.
I might be up for grouping up somewhere if other people are interested.

The people I used to play with have all quit playing for various reasons and I'd quite like to have a few people to do dungeons and the like with.
Anyone noticed the huge disparity in ranged vs melee damage atm? I can't see what melee is bringing to the table atm.
I've not played retail in 4 years could I come back to shadowlands and be just as powerful as everyone else ?

Yep, everyone will be at the same level, leveling through the new content. WoW brings in super-easy catch-up utilities all the way through now too.
I have just started a Dwarf Paladin, level 20 as of last night. I have always played my same mage since I started him in 2008 and not levelled from the start since.

Really enjoying it, going to take it slow as I dont have the time these days for competitive raiding.
We'll be on alliance on Thunderhorn, kinda dead server but clan has been there for a few expansions now. Most people quit very early in BFA, but good amount of us coming back for Shadowlands. Unlikely to be mythic raiding, so definitely up for some raids / mythic plus with you guys if theres something going on!

As for what I'll main, it's between shadowpriest and warlock at the minute. Leaning towards warlock, purely because I'm not a fan of healing, and whilst shadowpriest is very fun to play, if they gut it there's no 2nd dps spec to fall back on. Lock still very fun, loving the new affliction, and destro always fun.
To be honest, it's not as big a deal as it used to be. With everything bar mythic raiding being cross realm, just get a discord going, or an ingame community and partying up is pretty simple.
My 3 toons are on Shadowsong. Fancy starting one of the allied races but I have never ever played endgame and now it's a bit too late with my Disc Priest as I wanna tick off a few story lines in BFA and get the flying (shame about the rep bonus ending this weekend). For me there's far too much going on and there's a big FOMO for some things. I'd like to get good at healing and enjoy SL endgame.

I have a DK and a Warlock to level too, DK to end up a blood tank and lock for DPS.

Gonna grab Shadowlands and see what's what. If there's a settlement on server I'll do a reroll with you guys :)
On Alliance the majority of my toons are still on Moonglade from the "overachievers" days. Still one of my favourite times in a reroll guild from the forums.

Overachievers was great, still have my mage on there, but who knows what level it is now - capped at 60 at the time for MC raids! (My name on there was/is Seyline - do I know you from Diablo 3 at a stage also?)

Cool. Horde or Ally? Looks like most are Horde.

I'm alliance personally, but go with the majority certainly. We have a group of about 10 of us that are playing alliance in a guild already, but I can level up a horde toon as well if you guys are doing something!
There are only three certainties in life: death, taxes, and OCUK WOW guilds failing before they even start. Please no one use RL money to do server/faction transfers for this. @[FnG]magnolia
Overachievers was great, still have my mage on there, but who knows what level it is now - capped at 60 at the time for MC raids! (My name on there was/is Seyline - do I know you from Diablo 3 at a stage also?)

Yep i remember you mate, still got you on BNET list. That was a great reroll guild sadly as with others they tend to fizzle out after time but was great while it lasted. I still pop into D3 at the seasons starts but get bored quickly once the paragon grind starts. POE is much more my game now
There are only three certainties in life: death, taxes, and OCUK WOW guilds failing before they even start. Please no one use RL money to do server/faction transfers for this. @[FnG]magnolia

Amen to that, joined the classic guild and within a week it was dead (leaders had stopped playing or left for another guild), disappointing experience to say the least.
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