If your 98 then go to your garrison (/shudder) and you should find Khadgar's assistant (the pink blob that gave you a tour of Shattrath in TBC) is giving NPC's a tour of your garrison, he will have a quest to go meet up with Khadgar.
fixed for you
If your 98 then go to your garrison (/shudder) and you should find Khadgar's assistant (the pink blob that gave you a tour of Shattrath in TBC) is giving NPC's a tour of your garrison, he will have a quest to go meet up with Khadgar.
I'm enjoying playing my rogue and almost 92 now. Like mulps I'd like to find a nice social guild for the banter more than anything as I'm not interested in raiding as I can't put the time in at night or weekends. I get several invites when I'm playing but I just decline, it wouldnt be so bad if they /w me and told me a bit about the guild but they're just blanket invites. I'm on Anachronos so I don't know if anyone here plays on that realm.
I'm enjoying playing my rogue and almost 92 now. Like mulps I'd like to find a nice social guild for the banter more than anything as I'm not interested in raiding as I can't put the time in at night or weekends. I get several invites when I'm playing but I just decline, it wouldnt be so bad if they /w me and told me a bit about the guild but they're just blanket invites. I'm on Anachronos so I don't know if anyone here plays on that realm.
fixed for you
Got ganked a lot last night by level 100 Alli but hey ho. Got to 98.
Did you guys know that you can turn off the Guild invites through the interface options?
I didn't know this but am happy that you've told me - cheers.
Go thunderhorn! :D[/QUOTE]
Moonglade down just before I head home from work? :(
I've played World of Warcraft since the original US Beta. The only time they ever offered compensation was for the initial launch - I'll be amazed if they do widespread compensation for everybody. Either way I'll be on the phone being a whiny little girl about it, as I'm paying money for a service I'm not being provided with.
In recognition of the difficulties so many of you ran into when trying to play over the first few days, we're adding five days’ worth of extra time to every subscription in the Americas, Oceania, and Europe that was active as of Friday, November 14. Things are already in a much better place than they were going into the weekend, so I hope you’ll now be able to focus on having a ton of fun with this expansion.