***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

What were you expecting from the expansion given that you're not bothered about the Garrison's, have nobody to PvP with on your server, and have no time to raid? This expansion was never set to resolve any of what you're saying you don't enjoy so I'm not sure why you have come back, played for 2 weeks, and then post up saying you're cancelling?

I'm not trolling btw, I'm just genuinely interested in what it is you think you were going to get out of the game with this expansion. I came back because I saw that the game offered me more options as a casual player, and I am really enjoying everything it has to offer right now. I'm taking my time getting to 100, reading all quests, trying to complete all areas and I'm having a blast!

To be fair I never really left, I've had a sub for a while now and just popping in and out of the game.

Genuinely though I really enjoy the leveling, I do enjoy doing the garrisons and have always kept up to date on my Priests follower missions etc. but having to it all over again, whilst still keeping up to date on my mains garrison sounds very tedious!

BGs were fun though, very fun. I might pop back for the start of the arena season. edit: which apparently came out a few days ago? shows how much I've been paying attention!
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I can't believe people who supposedly have played in top 100, let alone top 10 guilds even took notice of it, dear ****ing lord :D

Nutritionist was excellent.
Anyone know if there is anything else that needs cleaning when uninstalling warcraft/battle.net app?

I installed warcraft with the cataclysm disc and then it ended up downloading all of the game anyway along with the battle.net app.

I have now uninstalled warcraft using the battle.net app and then I also uninstalled the battle.net app with it.

It says to clean stuff if it gets left behind like the warcraft folders and blizzard entertainment folders.

Would I have to remove any registry keys if there are any?

I'm not sure if I need to go any further than just uninstalling if I was just planning on reinstalling them both again anyway?
Good grief I have no idea how anybody has the free time to dedicate to these sorts of hours. Your expectations are truly nuts. You guys should probably spend more time in the real world. It might help your "shy" chap loads!

I could do it but no way I'm raiding those weekend hours! you barely get time to eat
We feel with our breaks and the members of our team dedicated to improving your diet you will have ample time to eat.

tbh doubt I'm good enough anyway and I'm playing affliction warlock.

on the 2 bosses in normal yesterday and brackenspore fails (moss control sucks but we know what went wrong) I only did around 16-18k dps (though that's my expected dps according to simcraft anyway)
I'd love a guild that raids more than twice a week though, I don't get guilds like the one I'm in only raiding twice a week for 3-4 hours a time when everyone is going to be online anyway for the most part doing heroics or whatever.

I'm about as geared as I'm going to get from heroic dungeons unless items with both mastery and haste drop or a warforged upgrade, seems impossible to find anyone doing CMs as warlock as everyone knows our aoe sucks...
Going to take forever to get geared raiding twice a week
so tempted to just lvl my hunter up from 74 or whatever he is :| then I can atleast get CM groups easy

but that means moving yet another char off a dead server for £17 :S
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Installed Master Plan after seeing your post. It is BRILLIANT, a must have if you're planning on doing follower missions.

ElvUI wasn't selling for me and I couldn't see the option for it. Are you saying you can sell junk without going to a vendor now?

Glad you like it mate :) just another tip if you dont like the way it auto hands in the follower missions and prefer to see the animations you can hold ALT when clicking complete mission to see them being handed in.
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