***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

Personally I'm glad they are not going to bring back flying soon, in fact leave it out totally!

Not having flying mounts makes the game feel world bigger and more involving.

Couldn't agree more. I'm also really enjoying ground travel. Means for raiding there could be an old school scrap outside of raids at meeting stones.
I hated no flying, but then I realised I hated it because the flight paths were really annoying. Hearing that they intend to take direct routes now, I no longer care about being limited to ground mounts.
Good news on the flying. So I made six Darkmoon Draenor cards last night, whopped them all on the AH then noticed that two if the listings had vanished! No mail, no 'it's been sold, here's a countdown until the gold's delivered' - just vanished! Fingers crossed that it is a simple bug.

Eek! We're talking about a sale price total of near 10,000g...
/reload might fix it... I deposited loads of reagents in my bank's reagent tab, went back and they were missing!!! Quick google and someone said to try the above and it then showed up. Might be a similar bug with the auction house :) worth a try.
Had my first raid day with my guild today. We managed to go 4/7 and will continue tomorrow. I haven't had this much fun since Wrath, and it's so nice having new content to try out.
Two questions

1) After an add-on that shows where the entrances to dungeons are on the world map, I have Atlas so I can bring up the static world map with the entrances on but after something that puts them on the normal world map

2) Currently a Enhc / Resto shaman with Enchanting and Mining, took mining to make lots of gold, now in WoD that is not an issue so through about changing it over to something else, but not sure what, any suggestions?


/reload might fix it... I deposited loads of reagents in my bank's reagent tab, went back and they were missing!!! Quick google and someone said to try the above and it then showed up. Might be a similar bug with the auction house :) worth a try.

  • Hasn't worked :(
  • Opened a ticket.
  • Average wait times: 17 days!
Two questions

1) After an add-on that shows where the entrances to dungeons are on the world map, I have Atlas so I can bring up the static world map with the entrances on but after something that puts them on the normal world map

2) Currently a Enhc / Resto shaman with Enchanting and Mining, took mining to make lots of gold, now in WoD that is not an issue so through about changing it over to something else, but not sure what, any suggestions?



You typed that message just as I hopped onto the forums to post the exact same one...actually your answer of Atlas has saved me a lot of trouble. I was using a wiki to find, say Onyxia's lair, but then finding out how to even travel there is excruciating to say the least.

Anyway suffice to say I cleared the dungeon on heroic apart from Sinestra as it seems to be bugged. I watched several playthroughs and none of them worked for me :( sad face.
Much fun taking down Cho'Gall solo after spending weeks with my old guild trying him :)
What's everyone's MC run been like? I waited over an hour to get into one I'm currently in and it is a massive wipefest. Is that just how it is? I have very little playtime and don't want to waste it...
I tried one and it was a huge wipefest and a bunch of people quit so I gave up, tried again 2 days ago and cleared the entire thing in just under 2 hours with 0 wipes. Few people died here and there but was pretty smooth.
Thanks guys, I stuck at it due to your replies and got there in the end. :)

Amazing how many people ran into adds or didn't follow the slightest instruction!
In MC, the first group was wipe central (to the point where I am sure people were pulling additional mobs on purpose). The second group was just as bad although there were less wipes. The third and final group I went with had 1 wipe and cleared the lot - Annoyingly the helm I received was replaced right away from the first drop in highmaul!! Grrr!
Only done one, was late Saturday night and we wiped about 6-7 times on a mix of adds and bosses. Was mainly a good natured event with people by en-large not taking things too seriously, we had to kick a few afkers mind but they were replaced instantly. We managed to get everything to come together in the end with Ragnaros being the boss that went the smoothest.
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