Not sure what "Top10" guild you played in with a "fraction" of those requirements. We're aiming for top10 world, not top10 on your low populated realm. We are aiming to be competing for world first mythic clears in the next tier of raiding. 100% attendance is pretty much a core requirement of any top guild, even if your spec/class if not required for that fight. What happens if we decide to change tactics and the disc priest we give that weapon to last week is AFK?
I work 40 hours a week, I don't know why people are moaning about having no time. Stop watching Coronation Street and you might find some motivation.
If you feel that you would not have the "energy" to keep up with the schedule, we have a member who has dedicated himself as guild nutritionist who is working with other members to improve their diet moving away from manufactured carbohydrates to a more organic protein/fat rich diet, which has proven to provide longer lasting energy.