***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

Only been subbed a month and think I'm going to have to cancel. I've got a new baby and thought I'd be able to dip in and out casually, with the odd raid or dungeon on a quiet night. Unfortunately the babby is a handful so the most I'm doing is getting my garrison missions done and my character is becalmed at 97.

Bit of a bummer but can't let a game get in the way of supporting my family. On the bright side, Diablo 3 is due a big patch soon and that's a game you can definitely play in snippets and you never need to let anyone down by bailing without notice.

You'll be back as soon as the baby starts to sleep a bit more in the day/evening which wont be long. :)

My son is 8 months old now and I took a 4 month break, came back as I needed something to do when it was peaceful to de-stress.
wow just did a LFR MC and cleared it in 3 wipes and about 2 hours. really is easy now.

hoping some of the other raids will be more difficult
I'm really not sure why blizzard decided to make LFR even easier than it was in MOP. In cata it was the same faceroll and was boring due to it, but in mop atleast you still had to vaguely do some sort of tactic, which everyone managed quite well. This is just literally dive in, don't even try and avoid stuff and still no one dies. Takes like 10 minutes to bash through the first part of it as well lol. Sad to see that even "casual" play has got to that point and as someone rightly pointed out, 5 man heroics are far harder.

LFR in Mists was too hard for the lowest common denominator Blizzard caters for. Now is fine as is. Go in, hit auto attack, go make a coffee or watch some tv and walk away with some stones hopefully, maybe an upgrade or 2 until something decent drops in proper raids. Sorted :)
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Exactly. I don't understand why people complain about the difficulty of it, especially now we have Normal, HC and Mythic. No one is making you run LFR.

Well, technically Blizzard are :P

Just to clarify that point, heroic is tuned for ~650 ilevel, which means you need gear from normal/LFR/CM/crafting to down the DPS check bosses.

It's got to the point where my guild are now master looting everything from normal to the DPS so we can down heroic butcher lol (everyone's fine with this as it means the raid as a whole gets a lot more loot than with personal and we get to progress faster).
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Well, technically Blizzard are :P

Only until you have no more HC dungeon pieces. But even then, the gear from LFR isn't that good. Also, it's not like the Butcher is stopping you from clearing the rest of the raid, as he doesn't prevent progress. So really, you CAN avoid LFR, if you really want to.

Also, if you need to run LFR, surely you want it as easy and as fast as possible, so you can clear what you actually enjoy clearing, be that Normal, Heroic or Mythic. Just stop with the LFR difficulty QQ train. It's easy, it makes it faster, get over it.
LFR is blizzards way of showing everyone content. Its not supposed to be used to gear up at all. They have stated more than once progression is tuned as:

5 Man HC's > Normal raid > Herioc raid > Mythic.

LFR and Cm's aren't needed to raid at all but of course any gear upgrade helps.
Also, it's not like the Butcher is stopping you from clearing the rest of the raid, as he doesn't prevent progress.

Really? **** lol

Well to be fair if we couldn't make the berserk on him we wouldn't be able to make the soft enrage on Brack either so it's a bit moot.

Also, if you need to run LFR, surely you want it as easy and as fast as possible, so you can clear what you actually enjoy clearing, be that Normal, Heroic or Mythic. Just stop with the LFR difficulty QQ train. It's easy, it makes it faster, get over it.

Well everybody not in full 640 gear needs to run LFR, if they don't bother then their a jerk (expecting other guildies to carry their slack).

The problem with having LFR as easy as possible does make it easier to gear which is good, but it would have been much better if normal/heroic were both doable in 5MH gear, just with heroic needing more skill. After all the is Mythic for needing more gear. This is basically another example of the game becoming easier and dumbed down.

I mean look at it:

TBC: We've made 5mans face roll now, but the are new "heroic" modes to give you a challenge and help you to gear up for raiding! (this was actually a really good design).

WotLK: Okay you're 80? great, jump straight into 5 man heroics, no need to do the normals first, and once your done a couple of those you can come faceroll Naxxramas!

Cata: Getting bored of 5M heroics? don't worry we have made them faceroll too this time, and we have also added a raid finder tool to let you do reduced difficulty raids!

MoP: Getting bored of raid finder? Don't worry the are new double heroic 5M's called challenge mode! (I actually liked CM's apart from my armour set being terrible) and now we have a new easy mode raid called flex so people not skilled enough for normal but not mentally impaired enough to need LFR can do it! (a good idea).

WoD: Great news, 5M/5MH are still lol face roll, but now we have made LFR unloseable! you cannot die! so much fun! If however you want a challenge on the same level as old LFR we have renamed flex to normal and added a tool that (get this) lets you find a group for it! NB: we have also renamed normal to heroic and heroic to mythic, now everybody has epics and everyone can be a normal/heroic raider! :D
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You'll be back as soon as the baby starts to sleep a bit more in the day/evening which wont be long. :)

Yeah no doubt, though I hope not. I've got nothing against the game and have loved it so much in the past but WoD has told me they'll never recapture the magic for me at least. Once the sense of wonder is gone you're left with what is merely a great game and an outstanding time sink for people who want to do so :)

I'm sure I'll be giving it another punt at some point. Possibly even in the near future like you say.
Really? **** lol

Well to be fair if we couldn't make the berserk on him we wouldn't be able to make the soft enrage on Brack either so it's a bit moot.

My understanding, is that the Butcher's DPS requirement in Heroic and Mythic is fairly big. He is classified as an optional boss (as are Brackenspore and Tectus I think). They are non-linear, and you don't need them to actually access the final boss. So yeah, you can probably kill the final boss, and not kill the Butcher. Example being Mythic guilds killing Brackenspore, but not the Butcher (yet)
My understanding, is that the Butcher's DPS requirement in Heroic and Mythic is fairly big. He is classified as an optional boss (as are Brackenspore and Tectus I think). They are non-linear, and you don't need them to actually access the final boss. So yeah, you can probably kill the final boss, and not kill the Butcher. Example being Mythic guilds killing Brackenspore, but not the Butcher (yet)

Method are 5/7 mythic with Butcher/Imperator alive.
Once they get fully mythic geared with right stats they'll likely have no issue. As above it's down to DPS in those fights and with method it's unlikely anyone isn't doing their maximum dps for their gear.
My understanding, is that the Butcher's DPS requirement in Heroic and Mythic is fairly big. He is classified as an optional boss (as are Brackenspore and Tectus I think).

Ahh that kinda makes sense, weird though as usually when an optional boss turns out harder then the "main" boss they nerf it, strange to see this change of tactic from them (hence my previous confusion).
Method are 6/7 Mythic now after downing butcher, when you look at the maths required to down that boss and the 4min enrage timer its pure madness that they killed it this reset.

I only hope Imperator doesnt go down uber fast as it never looks good to have a full top tier kill in first reset :p

Anyway gz to Method


Edit/ reading up a bit more it seems some guilds managed to be lucky with RNG and get a few Blackrock Foundry mythic items from BMAH, still not gonna make the average joe able to do much but every miniscule percentage really helps at this level :p
I personally think Blizzard have finally come close to TBC sort of game in terms of fun. Yes nothing is alike TBC but we really sorted a lot of problems vanilla raiding had and made the game a lot of fun for many a diverse range of gamers. WoD has done the same in my opinion as MoP just felt wrong in every sense.

I just start raiding again and will start HC as of Monday. But look forward to the challenge of mythic hopefully get there soon enough.

As far as saying you need LFR to do The Butcher HC then how did so many other guilds do it without LFR?? Then I would say you have two options either play better or do facer old to make a challenge faceroll simples.
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