***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

A first week kill in Highmaul wouldn't be that bad. Remember, we still have Blackrock Foundry which is the "real" tier of 10 bosses ;) The "some Russian guild" is Exorsus btw, who have always been close behind the world firsts for a while now.
Did lfr hm last night so dissapointed, was so easy.

I suppose that's the point tho lol, there's only a few of me n my mates platinum so I hope we can find either a graiding guild or a smaller guild that would like some raid fillers. Was lucky tho tanky shoulders, gloves and cape from the first run hehe
Some nice QoL changes inc:

Garrison Buildings:
[Still in testing.] Inn: Inn quests can now be completed on the spot without returning back to the Garrison.
[Still in testing.] Inn: The achievement, Stay Awhile and Listen now only requires the character to complete 10 of the 20 Inn quests (down from all 20).

Note: The following changes to Outposts will take effect with next week's scheduled maintenance.
  • Reduced the cost for changing Garrison Outpost buildings in Nagrand to 500 gold.
  • Reduced the cost for changing Garrison Outpost buildings in Gorgrond, Talador, and Spires of Arak to 5,000 gold.
  • Changing Garrison Outpost buildings should now grant access to the building-specific questline for that zone, including building-specific follower(s).
  • Additional information on changes to Outposts can be found in the forum thread titled:*Upcoming Garrison Outpost Hotfixes.

Garrison Missions:
It is now possible to continue to receive Level 95-99 missions even when all Followers are level 100.
I can't decide between my Fury warrior and Assassination Rogue to main at the moment, both are mid 90's. I enjoy playing both, but I should pick one to push on to 100.
I have a 100 warrior I am playing as gladiator\Tank and levelled as prot. I currently have a 96 Hunter that is a BM/MM and a 92 drood I am levelling as Feral/Resto.

I am also transferring my 72 rogue over to the server I am on (Id start a new one but its my very first character and has 38 days played) and a 74 warlock I need to finish levelling up..I can just never decide what to play. At some point Id like to level a priest but I just cannot bring myself to do it
Dunno, I haven't got there yet because I was being lazy with the quests before they made them harder so I didn't bother lol.

EDIT: I did 11 though so when the nerf goes through I'll be done.
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I've just had a little read. It doesn't look like level 3 is really worth it but it doesn't look like any level 3 medium building is really worth having either.

For the small profession buildings I think the same goes... A bit pointless really... Although they did say Garrisons might get more features in 6.2 (or beyond) so it is possible they might go to lvl 4 (and have nice rewards for doing so).
Disappointed with world boss drops, I know it's RNG but last week I got gold, this week gold from Tarlna, nothing from Drov.

Nothing on my main both weeks, got gloves this week on my alt though, they only drop like 4 items anyway, don't be shocked to see nothing for weeks on end, Celestials/Ordos was the same way.
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