***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

Im runnin dual MM specs on my hunter one for PVP with a few variations which absolutely demolishes people and another for Pve.

Only abut 640ilvl on him but find the dps to be up there with most classes.

PVE Build
Crouching Tiger
Binding Shot
Iron Hawk
Steady Focus
Murder of Crows
Focusing shot

Animal Bond

Generally on a fight i know theres gonna be movement ill do focusing shot x2 to fill up my focus bar and get the steady shot haste buff going, ill then be able to use 2/3 aimed shots while moving with no problems and prob still be able to chuck out the chimera in between

I also like using sporebat for the haste buff

The Pvp build is even nastier
Binding Shot
Spirit Bond
Thrill of the hunt
Murder of Grows
Glaive Toss
Exotic Munitions (for the frost munitions)

Explosive Trap for the knockback
Spirit Bond

In pvp the slows from frost munitions, glaive toss, conc shot and explosive trap basically means you can pretty much peel off all but dks with the grip reset glyph, lovin pvp this season
got my rogue to 620 IL pvp gear and i'm infact very dissapointed with the damage in PVP playing sub. Got to 1800 rating with it in season 5 and now it seems like I cant actually put enough pressure on to score a kill in arena, (bgs are different). Should I be playing a different spec? maybe combat with swords for pvp??

I have found with the sub its more about control than damage, you also need to make sure the opener/burst is spot on as you can keep find weakness up for 40 seconds in total but that includes a 2minute cooldown so for 2 minutes after bursting you then have to control the enemy allowing others to do damage in that gap until you can burst again.

Main job of rogues now is to lock down people allowing others to damage them as you keep them locked down. Especially with sub we have so much utility it hurts lol.

I would say rogues are more fitted for 3 and 5 man arena rather than 2 man. I think they would struggle in a 2man comp unless you are godly haha.
I am a 652 hunter and sustain 21-23k MM 20-25k SV and 20-22k BM. I like flicking between specs on bosses we have killed keeps it all fresh. However it is key to find a spec you like and then master the rotation on a dummy not dungeon or raid as you will generally be consumed by everything else happening. Once you comfortable with what you need to do then move on to normal and lfr getting the situational awareness up as this is key to playing any class well pre-empt your next ability and where you need to be positioned.
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I play a hunter, add me on real id and I'll run a hc with you. I play horde side. Otherwise I can chat with you about rotation or whatever.

Real id is Life#2565.

Anyone else who is horde side that wants to try organise a normal HM add me too and we can try pug something.
Is there a specific way to find out what your average dps is? Thing is, doing raids and looking at recount, mine can seem to vary a great deal depending on what boss i'm on, but generally i seem to always be at the lower end of the scales, so much so that when it comes to heroic i tend to get kicked for doing enough.

Whats the best method to see what youre doing wrong in terms of dps and how to improve it?

I'm a fury warrior with ilevel 651.
Look at rotations, Go to a target dummy and whack it for a few minutes then go through your rotation as you believe to be best then take a look at it via recount and see how many times you have used certain abilities. Compare this rotation to ones on Icyveins or other forums and see what people are saying is optimal.

For instance I found that on my hunter I was not using kill command every 6 seconds, By ensuring I include that now each time it is off CD I gained a few k in dps.

Have you got the right secondary stats on your gear? This can really make a difference to your dps as well.
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I play a BM Hunter as my main. I'm ilvl 628 at the moment and get around 15k-17k depending on situation.

I would suggest anyone learning how to play, they practice practice practice. There's nothing worse than not knowing your spec. If you do want to "cheat" a little, there is an addon I would recommend called Spellflash, it will help along the way until you get to know your spec.
Got a bit of a tech question.... I've got Wow running from an external HDD. I want to move it all to an internal SSD. Is it just a matter of moving the folder and its contents over ?
Have you got the right secondary stats on your gear? This can really make a difference to your dps as well.

i do on the ones I have control over such as the crafted items but for the raid drops etc which make up the vast majority of my gear, arent you stuck with what they are?
I have found with the sub its more about control than damage, you also need to make sure the opener/burst is spot on as you can keep find weakness up for 40 seconds in total but that includes a 2minute cooldown so for 2 minutes after bursting you then have to control the enemy allowing others to do damage in that gap until you can burst again.

Main job of rogues now is to lock down people allowing others to damage them as you keep them locked down. Especially with sub we have so much utility it hurts lol.

I would say rogues are more fitted for 3 and 5 man arena rather than 2 man. I think they would struggle in a 2man comp unless you are godly haha.

Yeah I had another go at 2s last night with rogue, getting a bit more damage out by putting in a lot more ambushes, seems like a nice way to burst with abmush / evis spam, while keeping slice up. Its just a pain playing rogue / healer comp against another healer dps team, the games last soo long. Also came up against double feral setup and thier healing is insane.... whats up with that..
Some of the raids drops are badly optimised and aren't worth taking, best bet is to check both Icy Veins and the Hunter thread (Azorthian Universal Hunter thread or something) on MMO Champ
They're worth taking if they're 15 ilevels over your current bit. Perfect secondaries don't outweigh the DPS difference from the increase in Str/Agi/Int.

BRF does seem to have much more optimised gear though.
Any other mages out there? Am i alone in feeling shafted (from a class perspective) from this expansion pack? The nerfs to Alter Time and Deep Freeze have hit me hard from a DPS perspective and Im struggling to contribute anything in arena other than being a sheep bot. I get out dps'd by pretty much everyone.
Any other mages out there? Am i alone in feeling shafted (from a class perspective) from this expansion pack? The nerfs to Alter Time and Deep Freeze have hit me hard from a DPS perspective and Im struggling to contribute anything in arena other than being a sheep bot. I get out dps'd by pretty much everyone.

Ours has just switched to his Ret pally, lower geared but slighty better dps :)

They're worth taking if they're 15 ilevels over your current bit. Perfect secondaries don't outweigh the DPS difference from the increase in Str/Agi/Int.

BRF does seem to have much more optimised gear though.

Whilst in a perfect simcraft world your dps will increase slighty, I found that in practise quite often it was a dps loss taking the higher ilvl with worse secondary stats.

Dont have to worry about that now as Im locked into my Disc priest - spent the xmas period levelling and gearing a resto Druid to fnd they arent my cup of tea in a proper raid enviroment :/ Priest had a worse ilvl but better hps, mana regen and is just a better fit for me.
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Any other mages out there? Am i alone in feeling shafted (from a class perspective) from this expansion pack? The nerfs to Alter Time and Deep Freeze have hit me hard from a DPS perspective and Im struggling to contribute anything in arena other than being a sheep bot. I get out dps'd by pretty much everyone.


Switched to my rogue as a main for the time being.

I have painfully levelled my Mage to 99, but after 100 he will just be an enchant-bot until until some Mage changes are made. The gameplay just sucks balls right now for too many reasons than I can be bothered describing.
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