***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

Anyone alliance into PVP, arenas mainly? ive always dabbled and got to like a crappy 1600 rating in 3's , (my highest was 1700) however trying to take it seriously and push this season. Im a frost dk (op yeaa) , have a warrior and disc priest friend i play with a bit, but after some other people to push some arenas if anyones interested? Like i said im no gladiator but hoping to get there !
663 Rogue.. enjoying this expac a lot. My guild needs to pick it up though.

What spec do you play? I am Assasination and enjoying it a lot, only just dinged 100 though, so my gear is at 610ilvl or something poor like that.

I've heard combat is best right now in terms of raw dps, but Im not a fan of the playstyle.

Anyone alliance into PVP, arenas mainly? ive always dabbled and got to like a crappy 1600 rating in 3's , (my highest was 1700) however trying to take it seriously and push this season. Im a frost dk (op yeaa) , have a warrior and disc priest friend i play with a bit, but after some other people to push some arenas if anyones interested? Like i said im no gladiator but hoping to get there !

I am Alliance and love PvP, although I am pretty crap at it these days. I made it to 1950 rating in Season 2(!), but never got any higher, I'd probably be lucky to break 1600 this season. I also haven't arena'd properly since then.

Anyway Im getting married this month so gaming is taking a definite back seat - I'll be looking to join a guild in late Feb I imagine.
With cross realms now possible, if people were interested we could always arrange a OCUK Highmaul Normal clear or something?

If we could maybe decide on a day then go from there!
Ayahuasca and I did a HM HC pug together the other day. It was agonisingly bad at times. It's such pot luck as to whether you're going to be able to do anything in them. I was chopping out a casual 45K HPS on the butcher and just couldn't keep up because the other healers were incompetent.

We did clean the loot up on Kargath though. I got two pieces and he got the other :D
Back raiding since Christmas and man I've missed it!

Had Heroic down in an hour, Kargath M 1 shot. Was nice to spend most of the night progressing again. Twins will hopefully fall this evening.

It would be nice to start like a google doc of players from OCUK and get a wee raid or two going :)
Going lot jump back on wow tonight, not played a long time. Had the expansion pre ordered but haven't re subbed in like a year I think.

Any good guides going for a quick read on the new dungeons and such? Guessing as normal I'll mill around for a bit until I have any idea what's going on. Always late to the party :)
Started doing a few pug raids on my rogue and I'm quite enjoying it. Prefer it to healing as it appears far more one dimensional in terms of raid management. Simply dos whilst paying attention to what's going on, compared to healing people, savings CDs for specific boss mechanics whilst running around like a crazy person. Sat on 650 ilevel at the moment so not bad for just a PUG raider but would quite fancy trying a guild out. DPS is pretty good as I've not had any complaints from multiple groups now, but I've not used recount to see for myself.
Started doing a few pug raids on my rogue and I'm quite enjoying it. Prefer it to healing as it appears far more one dimensional in terms of raid management. Simply dos whilst paying attention to what's going on, compared to healing people, savings CDs for specific boss mechanics whilst running around like a crazy person. Sat on 650 ilevel at the moment so not bad for just a PUG raider but would quite fancy trying a guild out. DPS is pretty good as I've not had any complaints from multiple groups now, but I've not used recount to see for myself.

You should be hitting just over 20k. It's worth downloading recount to see what you're hitting. You only need around 12-13k in Normal mode as a DPS to be ahead of the flex raid curve so if you're about 15k then you generally won't hear anything about it. If you were doing 15k on Heroic Butcher though you'd generally get kicked as you need 18-19k min. Ideally you want 20k+.

It's definitely worth having it installed even if you only collect your damage.
Back raiding since Christmas and man I've missed it!

Had Heroic down in an hour, Kargath M 1 shot. Was nice to spend most of the night progressing again. Twins will hopefully fall this evening.

It would be nice to start like a google doc of players from OCUK and get a wee raid or two going :)

I had a look a page or two back and I thought someone started one where you could put your battletag and what you would be up for.

If anyone doesn't know where it is don't mind starting one up!
Any hunters here, having real trouble with DPS, have tried all 3 specs, getting around 11-12k DPS ilevel is 641.

I'm not great but I can pull 18k+ in both Survival and MM at 655, the difference between our ilvl won't make up that much so you must be doing something wrong in your rotations, with MM you need to be hitting chimera shot right on its cooldown, same with killshot when it becomes available. Focus management is key.

Crit + Multistrike for MM and Multistrike + Versatility for Survival, although I'm using the same gear for both and doing ok. Survival gets really powerful at the high ilvls with lots of MS stacked.
I use both, depending on the fight, MM is bad for most fights with lots of movement. Focus shot is better for Survival if you can stand still a fair bit, thing is hunters get tasked moving in and out on Butcher, flamethrowers for Brackenspore, soak for Ko'ragh and wrath for Imperator. Well at least I seem to every time I raid.
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I use both, depending on the fight, MM is bad for most fights with lots of movement. Focus shot is better for Survival if you can stand still a fair bit, thing is hunters get tasked moving in and out on Butcher, flamethrowers for Brackenspore, soak for Ko'ragh and wrath for Imperator. Well at least I seem to every time I raid.

Yeah they do. I'm not sure why it's always hunters lol. To be fair in that heroic butcher we did your DPS was third best even with you having to monitor the debuffs for moving in and out. Tragic group
Any good guides going for a quick read on the new dungeons and such?

I always tell our guildies to have a look at a fight on Fatboss channel on youtube, they stick a little video guide up for each fight, often basic guides but a easy way to give people an idea of what to expect.
got my rogue to 620 IL pvp gear and i'm infact very dissapointed with the damage in PVP playing sub. Got to 1800 rating with it in season 5 and now it seems like I cant actually put enough pressure on to score a kill in arena, (bgs are different). Should I be playing a different spec? maybe combat with swords for pvp??
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