***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

What's the busiest or a busy Alliance server?

Got all my horde characters on Draenor, but for alliance it's dead.
What kinds of information are you looking for Agnes? There is a massive list of changes and new features coming this expansion so your best bet may be the actual WoW website or the last set of patch notes.
Kazzak Horde here!

No one to play with mind, no doubt I'll be giving it a go again when Legion is out.

I'm also on Kazzak Horde as well :) Im in some causal guild but enjoying the game having just come back from a long break. Battletag is Puppetmaster#2801 if you want to add me
All classes to 100, CM's done, got my Ironhoof Destroyer and Felsteel Annihilator...I guess that's me completed this expansion then! :)
Levelling healer disc is painful is a massive learning curve for me doing dps via attonement but tonight was my best night, heal all no deaths and it was really fun standing toe to toe with the tank!
Might resub again before legion. Got a seriously outdated lvl 100 rogue any tips on what to do before legion? must have items etc?
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