***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

Best Zone: Westfall and Darkshire were great while levelling, they had the most epic feel to them, both the plague lands were fantastic at L60 (it was also super cool to see random vanilla quest giver Tirion Fordring play a major role in WotLK). Also Hellfire peninsula, simply because of how epic it was to step through the portal.

Least Zone: Desolace soooooo dull/boring, perfect name though.

Best Raid: Naxxramas, best designed/layed out raid ever and the amount off bosses, variety and fight design is still unparalleled.

Least Raid: The cho'gal one, most forgettable of all raids.

Best Boss: Any Naxx one really, Horsemen/Thaddius especially.

Worst Boss: Prince in Kara, didn't matter how well you played or how well geared you were, if the RNG didn't go your way you were toast, terrible design.
How to get (decent) AA working in 6.0:

You have to download Nvidia Inspector;

Launch the game and switch to DirectX 9 from advanced options, disable any ingame antialiasing options and close the game.

Open Nvidia Inspector, choose profile "World Of Warcraft" and change the options below (leave rest unchanged) ;

Antialiasing compatibility : 0x000012C1 (You have to EDIT THIS MANUALLY - It is not on dropdown list)
Antialiasing - Behavior Flags : None
Antialiasing - Mode : Override any application setting
Antialiasing - Setting : 4x [4x Multisampling] (you can use higher values if you need and have the graphic power)
Antialiasing - Transparency Supersampling : 2x Sparse Grid Supersampling (you can use higher values if you need and have the graphic power)
Best Zone: Northern Stranglethorn/Westfall/Dread Wastes
Worst Zone: Vashj'ir/Blades Edge Mountain
Best Raid: Mogu'shan Vaults
Worst Raid: Dragon Soul
Best Boss: Elegon
Worst Boss: Gara'jal the Spiritbinder

My lord reading that back is depressing, I'm such a late bloomer with WoW only starting to play at the end of Cataclysm, so never got to play when the best tiers were current :(

I also missed arguably the best raid in MoP (ToT), so that sucks as well. FEEL SORRY FOR ME.

Let's hope for some good and fun stuff in WoD!
Worst Zone: Vashj'ir/Blades Edge Mountain

Vashj'ir was a very Marmite zone, however it was an entirely optional zone, it was that or Hyjal (personally I did both to avoid having to do Twilight Highlands lol). Some people found the 3D movement annoying but it's definitely one of the best looking zones, simply gorgeous.

I also missed arguably the best raid in MoP (ToT), so that sucks as well. FEEL SORRY FOR ME.

Still plenty of LFR groups doing it if u wanna check it out (you need the faction rep form it to buy the 522 vendor gear).
Vashj'ir was a very Marmite zone, however it was an entirely optional zone, it was that or Hyjal (personally I did both to avoid having to do Twilight Highlands lol). Some people found the 3D movement annoying but it's definitely one of the best looking zones, simply gorgeous.

Still plenty of LFR groups doing it if u wanna check it out (you need the faction rep form it to buy the 522 vendor gear).

Yeah, I agree that Vashj'ir did look very good visually, I just really didn't like the style of questing that was there - the whole concept of being in this zone that's submerged underwater is amazing but the questing experience was very meh imo really.

I've already done ToT LFR multiple times on LFR/Normal/Heroic (Mythic) but it's not the same as being there for the progress, you know? Being a part of progress makes an instance a lot better for me as LFR/doing content when it's outdated isn't very satisfying and becomes boring as you don't even have to pay attention or learn the boss mechanics, just smash your face on the keyboard and move out of fire pretty much.
Being a part of progress makes an instance a lot better for me as LFR/doing content when it's outdated isn't very satisfying and becomes boring as you don't even have to pay attention or learn the boss mechanics, just smash your face on the keyboard and move out of fire pretty much.

Totally agree Deehjay, i think thats why my favourite fight is Blackwing Descents Nefarian, although i started during ICC cataclysm was my first real taste of doing raids when they were fresh and everything was being done for the first time.

I actually really enjoyed the raids during cataclysm.

My guild bashed their heads against Nefarian for week upon week just working through each phase, it was such a great experience seeing us getting familiar with the fight, and also laughing at our fails.

That feeling of that first kill was immense, and then the feeling that ok now lets get back there on heroic :D

A lot of people like to go back to the game in their rose tinted spectacles and we will never appreciate those times. But for players joining the game late their initial experiences are every bit as memorable as someone remembering their time in TBC or vanilla.

Halfus i enjoyed, Omnomtron i enjoyed, Magmaw was very cool fight, Atramedes blind dragon whats not tolike :D, chimerons final phase of chomping the person with highest threat every few seconds was great, i could go on but you get the idea :)
Best Zone: Northern Stranglethorn/Duskwood
Worst Zone: Vashj'ir
Best Raid: Black Temple
Worst Raid: Dragon Soul
Best Boss: Illidan
Worst Boss: God I can think of a few

I was very much a vanilla/TBC raider and became a lot more casual the more the game went on. My best memories of WoW have to be clearing the end content of TBC, the feeling when we finally downed Illidan was amazing. Couldn't do it now though, too much commitment needed.
Best Zone: Dustwallow Marsh
Least Zone: Un'Goro Crater
Best Raid: Difficult to pick one, maybe trial of the crusader. I just enjoyed the idea of the trials. RIP Wilfred. Karazhan close 2nd.
Least Raid: ICC. Killed wow for me, it was okay at first but the length of time that place was top tier, my god I was glad to see the back of it.
Best Boss: Memories of Onyxia are probably best when it comes to single encounters. Great fun.
Worst Boss: Deathwing was pretty badly done.
I only raided Vanilla wow seriously, my guild used to do 40 man MC, this was pre BWL etc, so it was the original MC, was great fun, i remember having to key up for MC, and Key for BWL etc too. Later on i loved AQ10 but was not a fan of AQ40, Huhuran fight killed my enjoyment of the game, after that my raiding kinda declined, play some TBC, done Gruuls and Kara when both were current raids but then stopped playing during the rest of TBC, come back for WOTLK and raided some of that (Naxx / ToTC / ICC), only ever tried Dragon soul in LFR.

Have not set foot in a Panda raid, feel kinda sad i did bother with Panda tbh, but im set for WoD, i have a raid team ready to play with, even though im fairly casual, so im looking forward to it.
Is there a place to go to check the current state of the login servers/realms?
I seem to log in but end up at the 'choose your realm/faction' screen which if I remember rightly usually means the server is down.
I checked the realm page on battlenet and it says mine is running.
Is this a common problem?
Is there a place to go to check the current state of the login servers/realms?
I seem to log in but end up at the 'choose your realm/faction' screen which if I remember rightly usually means the server is down.
I checked the realm page on battlenet and it says mine is running.
Is this a common problem?

Not really, but it doesn't mean the servers are down either. Just click the suggest a realm button then change realm from the realm list.

To check if its down I use this, they update everything pretty much instantly. https://twitter.com/BlizzardCSEU_EN
DK. I found rogue incredibly boring to play personally, constantly being out of energy was so annoying. I liked the whole stealth thing though but DK is so much fun, especially being able to solo old raids pretty easily.
Yeah I love the idea of rogues, the abilities, the look of the armor, but I just hate how they play. Weird though because I'm playing monk atm and going to be playing it in WoD too, but just feels a lot more fun to play.
Soloing old raids will become incredibly easy on every single class with the next expansion. The problem with energy users is that at the beginning of an expansion they generally have a huge downtime where you literally aren't doing anything but auto-attacking in combat. Obviously this changes with gear as you get better regen, but for the beginning it's dismal. Preach said something about Feral's that it's been recorded that their downtime in WoD is above at least 50% (don't recall the exact number) which is frankly absurd.
DK. I found rogue incredibly boring to play personally, constantly being out of energy was so annoying. I liked the whole stealth thing though but DK is so much fun, especially being able to solo old raids pretty easily.

I played a rogue from the end of vanilla till the start of cata. Picked up DK (after flirting with enhancement shaman - SERIOUSLY fun class/spec if you gel with it) and never looked back :)

Raid leading with your head stuck up a bosses ass was... an interesting perspective :D

Now a year clean from WoW tho, the free week is waiting and I may take a look at some point but no plans on coming back :)
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