***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

Old raids are defo very good for money. even if you don't get any BoE gear for the AH you can still make a good 300-500G from selling what you can't use/not interested in. Made nearly 1k in about 25 mins from doing Dragon Soul HC last night solo :eek:
Im not opposed to taking friends toons through raids either so they can get a few bits of gear to make their levelling a bit easier, often trinkets from raids are half decent and can be used for a fair whack of time.
So guys, given how long WoW has been around, whats peoples favourite zones? favourite boss mob? favourite raid encounter, and favourite game feature?

And whats peoples least favourite of the above?

Also what are people looking forward to the most in WoD?

My favourite zone: Darkshire, brilliant theming and story to the zone, shame they never done something with the dragon portal once they removed the dragon though.

Least favourite, probably Blades Edge Mountains, i hated most of BC with a passion though.

Favourite Raid: Onyxia, i loved that raid, short and sweet with no margins for error, was great when you could hang her head from SW and get a zonewide buff.

Least favourite raid was any of the stupid gimmicky dragon ones where you had to fly around on mounts and stuff, wasnt a fan of that.

Favourite Boss mob: Emperor in Black Rock Depths, good story behind him, nice rewards for a great designed dungeon.

Least favourite boss mob probably the dance mob in Naxx, i was crap at that event.

Feature im most looking forward to in WoD is Garrisons, looks interesting enough to keep me levelling alts
So guys, given how long WoW has been around, whats peoples favourite zones? favourite boss mob? favourite raid encounter, and favourite game feature?

And whats peoples least favourite of the above?

Also what are people looking forward to the most in WoD?

My favourite zone: Darkshire, brilliant theming and story to the zone, shame they never done something with the dragon portal once they removed the dragon though.

Least favourite, probably Blades Edge Mountains, i hated most of BC with a passion though.

Favourite Raid: Onyxia, i loved that raid, short and sweet with no margins for error, was great when you could hang her head from SW and get a zonewide buff.

Least favourite raid was any of the stupid gimmicky dragon ones where you had to fly around on mounts and stuff, wasnt a fan of that.

Favourite Boss mob: Emperor in Black Rock Depths, good story behind him, nice rewards for a great designed dungeon.

Least favourite boss mob probably the dance mob in Naxx, i was crap at that event.

Feature im most looking forward to in WoD is Garrisons, looks interesting enough to keep me levelling alts

My favourite zone: Westfall. I have fond memories of the first time I ever entered this zone during the beta of WoW. It was alway an absolutely immersive zone, but it makes me sad to see what happened to it in Cataclysm :( After Westfall I'd probably say Dun Morogh, simply because I levelled so many test characters there during the beta. My second character in the beta was a Gnome Warlock and the original starting area for a Gnome was the same as the Dwarves. I loved that place!

Least favourite zone: Desolace before it became all lush and beautiful. Everything to me in that zone was an absolute chore, from getting there, to questing, to the horrible Mauradon. I hated that place!

Favourite Raid: Molten Core. Back in the good old days it took you over 5 hours to barely make it to the end. It was, in essence, a full-on timesink in terms of raiding, something that I just don't have time for now but still remember fondly :)

Least favourite raid: Ahn'Qiraj. That place was awful!

Favourite boss mob: Magmadar. The planning and setup for that fight was always awesome, especially as I was one of the only Priests in our raid group :)

Least favourite boss mob: I don't think I had one :)

Feature I'm most looking forward to in WoD: Garrisons as well. I'll be interested to see how they tie in with the story.
My favourite zone: Pre Cataclysm Thousand Needles, loved that zone and it was one of my favourite memories levelling my first horde hunter in that area with the huge spires it felt so huge, then the transition to ferelas was a bit of a shock :)

Favourite zone in WOD is without a doubt Shadow Moon Valley, easily the most beautiful zone they have created.

Least favourite zone: Sithilus, no idea why its just my least played zone ever, only reason i went there was to do loremaster

Favourite Raid: ICC, started playing WOW during Wrath so this was an obvious choice for me, 25man raiding with my first guild is one of my fondest gaming memories ever. The whole raid didnt have a weak point for me, bosses were hard as nails, fights had mechanics that were interesting and one of the best legendary chains in shadowmourne.

Least favourite raid: Throne of 4 Winds, god i despised that place.

Favourite boss mob: Black Wing Descent version of Nefarian, probably my favourite boss fight of all time.

Least favourite boss mob: Rhyolith (think thats the name) the firelands boss you had to turn by dpsing the legs, meh

Feature I'm most looking forward to in WoD: Ive levelled a few toons on alliance through to 100 in the beta which i guess maybe gives me a different perspective. Im looking forward to the 5mans and raids, the beta was very annoying for those features and playing through them with guildies will be a blast.

For what its worth Garrisons grind of all grinds :D

Edrof said:
Do you know which vendors?

Cant remember the name mate, its in the main room when you first port in, upper level vendor beside one of those aldor guys, sells the old gear for gold
Apparently 377 is a higher number than 440, +63 item levels and you gain 1 crit but lose 2 master lol.

hhahaha 19lvl sword beating the crap out of thunderfury. BC gems are nearly as good as panda ones.. difference is soo little now... ermm do you guys reckon I could buy some vengeful or T6 with gold? actually it was boss drops, so not really :(
My favourite zone: Pre-Cataclysm Stranglethorn Vale. So many happy memories in that place and it had the best music in the game. Now that they split it into two zones it just doesn't feel the same.

Least favourite zone: Twilight Highlands. The introduction quest is far too long and complicated and the zone doesn't really flow well. It doesn't feel nice to play through and I often found myself staying in lower level zones just to avoid it while leveling.

Favourite raid: Ulduar. I started raiding in WoTLK and spent months working toward my first Yogg-Saron 0 lights kill with my guild. The encounter based hard modes were interesting and intuitive, bosses had fun mechanics, the addition of optional bosses is something I really miss in raiding and overall, the place looked fantastic inside and out. It's not just my favourite raid, but in my opinion is the best raid ever implemented.

Least favourite raid: Dragon Soul. I don't think I need to explain why.

Favourite boss: The Lich King. As someone who really enjoys the lore behind the scourge and the Lich King, this was a really awesome fight for me. Even now I still watch the cutscene every time I kill him.

Least favourite boss: Deathwing. We didn't actually get to fight him. We fought some adds on his back, then slapped his hands and chin until he fell into the Maelstrom. Worst. Boss. Ever.

Feature I'm most looking forward to in WoD: The ability to change or remove weapon enchant glows.
Least favourite zone: Twilight Highlands. The introduction quest is far too long and complicated and the zone doesn't really flow well. It doesn't feel nice to play through and I often found myself staying in lower level zones just to avoid it while leveling.

Yeah I agree, deepholm was worse but twilight highlands takes forever to get remotely fun. Good thing now though since the XP changes in 6.0 is you can get to 85 just by full clearing hyjal and doing each dungeon once for the quests.
Best Zone: love loads of zones but I loved pre-changes Feralas. Such a brooding atmosphere was great. That of Southshore for the battles :p:D
Least Zone: pre change Desolace or Silithus, both ugly and boring.

Best Raid: BT, epic in every way. Visuals, music, fights and I always have Illy in my head as the ultimate cool bad guy. Huge soft spot for Kara too.
Least Raid:any troll raid. Just found them boring :p
Best Boss: Illidan for the epic ness of it all. I always loved horseman fight in Naxx too.
Worst Boss: too many to name, probably the **** dragon riding raid in Wrath, complete gimmicky guff.

So many memories :p
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