Old raids are defo very good for money. even if you don't get any BoE gear for the AH you can still make a good 300-500G from selling what you can't use/not interested in. Made nearly 1k in about 25 mins from doing Dragon Soul HC last night solo
A lot of the Justice/Valour gear vendors' stuff can be bought with gold now so it's a good source for easy transmog sets.
They are in Dalaran and Orgrimmar. Have I missed any?
Pretty sure theres sets available in Shatt too
So guys, given how long WoW has been around, whats peoples favourite zones? favourite boss mob? favourite raid encounter, and favourite game feature?
And whats peoples least favourite of the above?
Also what are people looking forward to the most in WoD?
My favourite zone: Darkshire, brilliant theming and story to the zone, shame they never done something with the dragon portal once they removed the dragon though.
Least favourite, probably Blades Edge Mountains, i hated most of BC with a passion though.
Favourite Raid: Onyxia, i loved that raid, short and sweet with no margins for error, was great when you could hang her head from SW and get a zonewide buff.
Least favourite raid was any of the stupid gimmicky dragon ones where you had to fly around on mounts and stuff, wasnt a fan of that.
Favourite Boss mob: Emperor in Black Rock Depths, good story behind him, nice rewards for a great designed dungeon.
Least favourite boss mob probably the dance mob in Naxx, i was crap at that event.
Feature im most looking forward to in WoD is Garrisons, looks interesting enough to keep me levelling alts
Edrof said:Do you know which vendors?
hhahaha 19lvl sword beating the crap out of thunderfury.
Least favourite zone: Twilight Highlands. The introduction quest is far too long and complicated and the zone doesn't really flow well. It doesn't feel nice to play through and I often found myself staying in lower level zones just to avoid it while leveling.