***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

Enjoy it, I think a lot of folks would love to be a newb in wow again :)

£4.50 is a bit of a steal tbh for a months worth with nothing else needing paying. I'm a recovered addict, still get the itch occasionally but resisting :)
They normally have an influx of returners for expansions, i normally resub for an expansion play to the cap and then generally quit out of boredom as i never really had the time to raid.

With the change in casual approach to raids now i will prob stick around longer, besides im interested in the Garrisons feature from WoD, as i like crafting etc this has a lot of appeal to me, so i will be staying around for sure to check that out, probably on multiple toons.
Infact i was levelling a toon purely from gathering herbs and doing dungeons, my Lock went from 45 to 50 in a few hours, admittedly he has a set of heirlooms on, but its still very viable to level via this method, it will take you a lot longer than questing, but if you was to say do Archeology, and Mining or Herbing, or both if you fancied 2 gathering profs, you would get a decent amount of exp just raising your prof skills, and lob in queuing for Dungeons or PVP and you would easily hit 90 in 30 days without even having to quest.

I normally do a dungeon once while levelling just to complete the quests for their exp, and then dont bother going back.
I normally do a dungeon once while levelling just to complete the quests for their exp, and then dont bother going back.

They have appeared to buff what you get for repeating dugeaons now. They basically have an autoquest that says kill all bosses, once you do it you get approx 10% exp for that level, it's not bad at all if you hit short and sweet instances!
Well I renewed again last night and it just seems like each class now only spams 4/5 buttons which is a tad frustrating.

I did the intro to warlords quest line and it just seems dull and lackluster in comparison, Unless I have missed part of it it certainly didn't take me long to complete (About 50 minutes this morning)

Also the first thing I noticed during one of the small cutscenes is that EVERY DAMN ORC HAD THE BULLWARK :(
Got all the Titan Runestones last night and duly ripped out Lei Shen's heart to give to that little black dragon that we all know and love.

Did the Celestial's challenge, just got all 4 to defeat tonight on the Timeless Isle and then it's bling bling legendary cloak time baby!

Anyone fancy giving me a hand? The more definites from here willing to help me out, the less I have to rely on Raid Finder.
IIRC there are Heirlooms that go from 1-80 then some that go from 80-85. The standard heirlooms you buy with JP can be upgraded to go to 85.

Yeah I just found the 85 stuff on WoWHead, but what happens to them from 85-90? I keep trying to find stuff about it online but I can't find anything that explains it.
Incidentally recently i levelled my DK from 85 to 90 in Pandaria pretty much in the first zone alone, there was enough quests coupled with doing dungeons each once for their quests to take me to 89 and then i dinged 90 in the next zone after about 12 quests, with zero heirlooms or rested xp. And it went fast as well.
A lot of the Justice/Valour gear vendors' stuff can be bought with gold now so it's a good source for easy transmog sets.

They are in Dalaran and Orgrimmar. Have I missed any?
Incidentally recently i levelled my DK from 85 to 90 in Pandaria pretty much in the first zone alone, there was enough quests coupled with doing dungeons each once for their quests to take me to 89 and then i dinged 90 in the next zone after about 12 quests, with zero heirlooms or rested xp. And it went fast as well.

That was how I used to make cash without really thinking about it. Complete the first zone and then a few into the next zone to get to 90. Then start getting 25-40g (Or some such) per quests.

Used to do this while catching up on TV shows.
I reckon for a cash injection you can probably clear old raids now and sell off the epics, not to mention its a good way to collect mounts and pets and transmog gear.

I done Naxx the other night with a guildy for giggles and made about 300g fairly fast.
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