***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

So after i was waiting for replies to my post about maybe us guys starting a new guild for WoD, starting at the start, lvl 1. I have joined a new guild that was advertised on the wow forums. Now I am not sure if I should stay there or not. I would love to be part of a guild here but how much interest would we get here.?

So far judging by the replies we have :

droolinggimp (me)

Now granted its only been a few hours (half a day) and there is still plenty of time but would this work? Anyone else seriously up for this.?

Over the last few years there have been at least 2/3 guilds that have formed and disbanded. Seems like a never ending cycle. :D
Sorry just got out of bed lol

I was on about the expansion

I was going to get the box from game for 9.99 and it has
World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
Brady Games Beginner’s Guide
30-day subscription

I believe if you buy any incarnation of WoW you automatically get TBC, WotLK, and Cataclysm added to your account for free anyway, along with the 30 days of game time for a new account.

Always makes me laugh when I go into high street stores and see copies of Cataclysm for sale for £20-30. :D
We had a brilliant guild before, we ran all the old content at the appropriate level. Fair enough, it was a little face roll due to all the changes since then, but it was real good fun none the less.
I quite like one of the changes they are making by standardizing the gear you use in PVP by giving it to you. Kind of puts everyone at a even setting if you ask me and makes you rely on skill rather than being over geared etc. It is catering to the casuals in PVP which I do not like so I believe they should also give you the option of going in with your own gear to another instance of the battleground as it were.
am now interested in WoD because they have banned flying for at least one patch. Excellent idea ;)

Need to decide which of these I boost to 90 tho
Use spoiler tags if a picture is wider than 1280x
Interestingly, my Horde guild back in 2006/7 was called Champions of Draenor :-) I didn't play WoW much after 2008, and stopped completely in 2010. Think I was just too fond of the vanilla content, as we raided everything except for Naxx, was learning AQ40 and had everything else BWL etc on farm. A couple of questions:

1. If I was to buy Warlords of Draenor, will I also need to buy the missing expansions like Mists and Cata?

2. WoW ran with everything on top settings on my Geforce 6800 back in 2006/7, and my understanding is that it's still on the same graphics engine?! I now have an HD7850M (dedicated despite the 'M' part). Surely that will eat WoW for breakfast unless Blizz have patched in extra fx?

3. Likelihood that my characters will still be intact despite my hiatus?
1. you would still have to buy MoP
2. 7850 will run it, but you might have to upgrade
3. they will all be still be there.
I'm still tempted to get back into this :p

Working away and being home at most 8 days a month makes it hard to justify at the mo though. Decisions!
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2. WoW ran with everything on top settings on my Geforce 6800 back in 2006/7, and my understanding is that it's still on the same graphics engine?! I now have an HD7850M (dedicated despite the 'M' part). Surely that will eat WoW for breakfast unless Blizz have patched in extra fx?
The graphics are much improved. I run a gtx480 and it sometimes struggles with everything on ultra in Pandaria. With the updated models and presumably further environmental enhancements in WoD I think I'll probably need a new card if I want it running really smoothly at full.
Hopefully they add some more diversity and unique activities this time around. I got bored of MoP way too quickly because there was nothing to do other than raid, and when you spend a couple of patches away from raiding, it becomes almost impossible to be able to gear back up and join another raiding guild. Those flexible raids are looking bright though, so hopefully they keep them in.
Not only are they keeping flexible raiding in the game, every difficulty apart from the new Mythic (Heroic) will have flexible scaling for any raid size between 10 & 25 :)

For Monserrat try looking some of your old toons up on the armoury.
I believe if you buy any incarnation of WoW you automatically get TBC, WotLK, and Cataclysm added to your account for free anyway, along with the 30 days of game time for a new account.

This, they've made TBC, Wrath, Cata "innate", when WoD comes along, MoP will join the club as well

I'm just poking around for the odd hour and seeing what they have changed
Thanks for the responses guys :-) Bit of a bugger that I'll have to buy the interim expansion packs, but will have a look at the 'Battlechest' idea that have been mentioned a few times in this thread.

I'm intrigued by the sprite update, as that was long-awaited considering that The Sims 3 (from 2009) have very detailed sprites in comparison.

P.S. if I do go back into the game, I'll probably start at level 1 again, as that will ease me into the new content better than if I was to go right in. Currently got L80-ish lock, L70 priest and L60 warr.
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