It wasnt just 4 samples though, it was 4 samples with hundreds of chips inside.
3 of those samples are pretty much useless. The other one, I can't see any evidence of when, where or whom collected that sample.
It wasnt just 4 samples though, it was 4 samples with hundreds of chips inside.
3 buildings fell on 9/11, only 2 were hit by planes.
They never mentioned WTC7 in the official report though, it was such a minor thing I guess not worthy of investigating how a skycraper (like 2 others on the day) could fall perfectly vertically and at freefall speed due to a few office fires.
Well at least the rest of the world can build skyscrapers that can burn on all floors for days without imploding on themselves.
Probably not thermite
. Like the fact that the place must be one of the most closely monitored buildings in the US yet there is only 1 CCTV video
Like the fact that the place must be one of the most closely monitored buildings in the US yet there is only 1 CCTV video (which has a different date on the film) and even that didnt even show a plane hitting the building just an explosion. Apparently a near by petrol station had some of its CCTV cameras covering parts of the Pentagon and they were also seized by FBI but weren't released.
I still love to know how thermite could bring a building down and how you would get the tons of termite in place, in stragic places without anyone noticing.
It is such a retarded theory it's unbalivable.
Oh FFS, wouldn't the hijackers of the planes have had explosives with them?
No. For a start, they'd never get them through airport security. Secondly, explosives were not needed.
Sorry, I thought airport security was only tightened up AFTER the attacks in question...
I have a question...
The theory goes that the government planted some sort of explosive and blew the towers up at the same time the planes flew into them? My question is... why bother flying the planes at all? Just blow up the towers and say terrorists did it! Much simpler...
Anyone else think the mods should do a flat right ban on 9/11 threads?
Anyone else think the mods should do a flat right ban on 9/11 threads?
It's scary how closed minded some people are on here.
This more than likely will turn out to be hogwash, but for you may as well entertain the fact it could be true as quite simply we don't know the answer.
The fact that the article has many notable scientific bodies that have put forward their thoughts, ideas and given input into that article.
I fear too many people see 9/11 or WTC these days and instantly thing the story will be baloney or think "OMG CONSPIRACY!... Yeah right! ".
It's scary how closed minded some people are on here.
This more than likely will turn out to be hogwash, but for you may as well entertain the fact it could be true as quite simply we don't know the answer.
The fact that the article has many notable scientific bodies that have put forward their thoughts, ideas and given input into that article.
I fear too many people see 9/11 or WTC these days and instantly thing the story will be baloney or think "OMG CONSPIRACY!... Yeah right! ".