Worlds Scariest Movie

Robocop messed me up when the guy gets splattered after falling in acid, but its not scary.

Alien made me jump when I was a kid, but didn't really scare me.

Don't think I've ever been scared of a film. Though I don't really rate horror movies so I've not seen that many.
My brother is a bit of a film buff and he once showed me a scene from The Exorcist 3. It is set in a hospital and a nurse keeps hearing a cracking noise so she checks several rooms trying to find what it is. It's a long drawn out scene a few minutes long with a really creepy atmosphere. It ends with the nurse locking a door and then as soon as she turns around the locked door is opened and a person covered in a white sheet strides out behind her with a set of bone cutting shears held up to the back of the nurses neck.

I suggest you don't ever watch it.
Benjarghmin said:
You'll find this positively retarded and sympathetically hilarious, but Labyrinth. My over-active imagination gave me goblin nightmares for at least 2 years after watching that film. It still creeps me out nowadays.

Edit: Intriguing how that's the only film that actually worries me, though. Most other horror I find an amusing side to or just watch in earnest.

The red demony things that chucked their decapitated heads around gave me nightmares when I was a kid :D

Have to say though, the skeksis from Dark Crystal gave me hellish nightmares as a kid too!
BrightonBelle said:
I used to know the entire script for Labryinth :(

Picked it up in a bargain bin last week - might have to stick it on later :D

As for scariest films... I can't watch em :( much that I would love to watch all the Saw films, which on some people's accounts are not scary at all.

BB x

Went to watch Saw on my first date with my fiancée :D Was her choice of film, not mine too! She rocks. :)

Gilly said:
Robocop messed me up when the guy gets splattered after falling in acid, but its not scary.

Alien made me jump when I was a kid, but didn't really scare me.

Don't think I've ever been scared of a film. Though I don't really rate horror movies so I've not seen that many.

When I watched Robocop as a kid, the scene that stuck in my mind was where he was at the start where he was pinned down and had his arm shotgunned off... that really weirded me out!
Regardless of how many people laugh at me, the two films that have scared me the most are the Ring and the Grudge, both the western versions. They absolutely petrify me. I think its because both times I watched them with the lights out with the sound on full. There is a constant disturbing 'hum' coming from both films that makes you feel very uneasy.

Both are just so creepy. In the ring, the bit where you see a girl dead in a cuboard made me jump so much, just because you could never see it coming. I could feel my heart almost exploding out of me. In the Grudge, I couldn't actually watch the bit where the ghost walks slowly down the corridoor on the cctv :(

I find 15 horror films to be far scarier than 18 rated horror films. With high amounts of gore, it feels comfortable because its over the top and you see almost everything. With a 15 your imagination is allowed to run wild....

Robocop was also deeply unsettlling as a child.
Watched the first terminator way before i should have.

I know many people on the Internet live by "Kill it with fire" so you can imagine how i felt as a child when i realised that killing it with fire wouldnt work and i didnt have a huge tin crusher to protect me.

Used to sit on the stairs when i was supposed to go to bed and think.. what if he is in my room.. ive got nothing to kill it with?! :( :p
Lashout_UK said:
Event Horizion was about the only film I've ever seen that I felt even remotely uncomfortable watching. Especially as it was pitch black and I was on me own - something about the scenario just clicked with me....

I totally agree with you, that film is just so wrong in so many ways.
the one film that gave me nightmares as a kid was criters i would always wake up think they were under my bed or in the cupboard must been about 8-9 when i watched it.
Premier said:
the one film that gave me nightmares as a kid was criters i would always wake up think they were under my bed or in the cupboard must been about 8-9 when i watched it.

Critters just made me laugh when I was a kid... especially the one in the toilet. Kids, eh? :rolleyes: Hehe
EvilGrin said:
Went to watch Saw on my first date with my fiancée :D Was her choice of film, not mine too! She rocks. :)

I started watching Saw with an ex and guessed who did it within the first 20mins. :/

The ex turned it off and explained the whole story to me, then I realised there was no way I could have watched it :( gutted.

I've read all the synopsis's on moviespoilers and I still don't think I would be able to stomach the films... boooo!

BB x
Not the scariest film, but the scariest concept for a horror film imo is Freddy Kruger. It's hard to sleep after watching a scary film, no mind a film where the whole idea is based around being attacked when sleeping and dreaming!
wormwood said:
My brother is a bit of a film buff and he once showed me a scene from The Exorcist 3. It is set in a hospital and a nurse keeps hearing a cracking noise so she checks several rooms trying to find what it is. It's a long drawn out scene a few minutes long with a really creepy atmosphere. It ends with the nurse locking a door and then as soon as she turns around the locked door is opened and a person covered in a white sheet strides out behind her with a set of bone cutting shears held up to the back of the nurses neck.

I suggest you don't ever watch it.

Man I remember watching that at a sleep over at a mates house when we were about 15, that particular scene scared the carp outta me!

Honourable mention to Event Horizon. Utterly fantastic film! -

"I intend to move to minimum safe distance and launch Tac Missles at the Event Horizon doctor. **** THIS SHIP!" :p
Benjarghmin said:
You'll find this positively retarded and sympathetically hilarious, but Labyrinth. My over-active imagination gave me goblin nightmares for at least 2 years after watching that film.

nah not that retarded, gave me nightmares right up until i watched it again 3 years later
I watched "Fire in the sky" when I was about 12-13 and found that pretty disturbing. Susperia is pretty odd, but it's mainly the music that gets you going in that.

There aren't many films that really scared me though, it was always TV programs that would do it.
The film legend. Yes I know its probably worse than labrynth but its a story tale and story tales are designed to scare kids so when they go to the big bad world, real problems dont scare them. Anyway I was really yound and was shown it, that freaky monster guy who kills a beautiful unicorn and the lord of darkness who much resembles the devil.

Scary stuff I tell thee! :eek:
Predator when I was younger. That film creep was some freaky stuff as well. Especially when watching it in pitch black on my portable dvd player with headphones on.
The only movie that has given me "problems" is The Entity and Ive not even watched it! My gf at the time (10 years ago) was talking about it one evening and I found it hard to get to sleep for a few nights...
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