Worlds Scariest Movie

The Entity - I was in my Teens and watched this on my own with the lights out in an empty house, It made me very paranoid and scared, and plus that fact it was based on a true story didn't help. I had to sleep with the lights on for a few weeks afterwards. Not seen it since. :(
Trick said:
Not really a film but Ghostwatch scared the **** out of me when I was 13!

I think I was about the same age when I saw that, scared the living poop out of me :(

Latest one was the original Japanese version of The Grudge. Watched it laste at night on my own with all the lights off. I think it was mainly due to not properly seeing the evil thingy that did it. Same with Dark Water (the original) parts of that made me freak out.

I really should learn to not watch Japanese horror on my own in the dark :(
The Grudge and The Ring for me... Something about dead little girls scares me. Both remakes.

I went to see The Grudge with my sister and a friend. If my sister wasn't there I would have left. I was seriously that freaked out by it.

Scariest for me I imagine would be Snakes on a Plane though since I have a serious fear of snakes. Even seeing the trailer for that made me lift my feet of the floor and shriek when the camera moved up slowly before seeing a snake that went for it on top of the cupboard or whatever it was!

Films like the Exorcist though didn't scare me one bit. Although I think I remember a 3am night where I was just browsing the channels on my own in the dark and saw The Exorcist. Left it on for a bit and it was far more scary watching it alone.
Oh, there was one with a bunch of explorers that went into some caves, and came across people with really pale skin, that used traps and darts to kill the group off one by one. Can't remember what it was called though.
Another vote for Event Horizon, something about that film just freaks me out, probably to do with the woman with no eyes, just looks so evil, especially that bit in the vent *shudders*

No other films have scared me really, although I went on Alien War, based on Aliens when I was about 8 and that scared me more than anything!
waxapple said:
Oh, there was one with a bunch of explorers that went into some caves, and came across people with really pale skin, that used traps and darts to kill the group off one by one. Can't remember what it was called though.

Wasnt the Descent by any chance was it???

Very good film.

mks2005 said:
Maybe I'm just a pussy, but when I saw The Grudge at the cinema, I nearly split a log.

I think The Grudge is more of a suspense type scare instead of something jumping out of a hole and mauling a little boy whom was frolicking in a pretty little field. It is scary but managable.
Another for Event Horizon here too, something about that film is just soooo wrong! The remake of The Hills Have Eyes kinda scared me, but that was more due to how sick some of the things that happen are than actual scary-scary.

I know one of my mates was and still is terrified by the Exorcism of Emily Rose... :)
Castor said:
Salems lot, scared the crap outa me when i was younger.

Omg yes!!.

Its funny because me and the other half were on about scary films from the past and this one inparticular and that two parter that was on bbc1 when i was younger gave me nightmares.

Definetely danny glick the vampire in the communion suit tapping at the window sayin "open the window mark" :eek: .

The master in the jail jumping up and giving you a heart attack(i couldnt get his horrid face out my head for weeks after seeing that when i was younger)

Mike ryerson the grave digger sat in the rocking chair saying to the old man "look at me teacher".

Jeez guys im looking out the window now behind me lmao. :eek:

Ive picked up the original two parter on vhs video a few years back and even now with its age its still tingles the old spine when watchin those certain bits.

Presently the original jap version of the grudge. Having things appearing out the corner of your eye like the kid does in the film is very effective at making you kind of think "i swear i just saw something, or did i!!!".

Great stuff!.
Trick said:
Not really a film but Ghostwatch scared the **** out of me when I was 13!

Deffo, i remember watching that when i was about 6-7 after coming back from trick or treating, and ended up running upstairs to my father when they got locked under the stairs.

Stephen Kings IT scared my as a kid, but i watched it a few weeks ago and thought it was very much pants tbh :S
The Ring, the remake version.

I used to have no problem with horror films before watching this, I refuse to watch it again or any other horror film of that type, Ring 2, The grudge, Dark water etc...

I'd rather have a movie full of demons and blood then scary little dead girls :eek:

I'd never be able to watch the original japenese versions.
All good horror films still scare me... I just a big girl when it comes to horror films, I went to one of the scream films with a load of my female mates and me being the only bloke, and the only person who screamed was me :D .

I managed to make the whole side of people in one showing of Indepence Day jump with me when the alien smashes that bloke against the window.... I just have very quick reactions especially fight or flight /do or die response and I tend to react to things before the other person has processed whats happending which shocks the people I'm with. My mate sam, she loves going to the pictures with me as I bring more atmosphere to the film as I sit there with my abercrombie & fitch hoodie over my head, holding on to her for dear life...

I'm a brave lad in live, but I be a pants ghost buster or sprint hunter.. I watch the horrors for a good scream. never been that scared to ever have nightmares thou..
The one with the women who go caving... that freaked me out. It was really claustrophobic to just watch it.
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