Worlds Scariest Movie

Hedge said:
The one with the women who go caving... that freaked me out. It was really claustrophobic to just watch it.
the descent

although its not the scariest of films the remake of the grudge scared me quite a bit, the original alien also scared me as a kid but who wouldnt be terrified of that as a small child

nothing else really comes to mind, films with excessive gore tend to disgust me more than anything so i dont particularly find them scary
Nearly every post on here is naming a film they saw before they were 16, there is no such thing as scary anymore, were all to desensitised. All horrors now go for cheap shock jump tactics. Boring!
Quatermass and the Pit.

The SFX are a bit cheesy now but every time I see that shimmering 50ft Satan at the movie climax it sends a cold chill down my spine.

And would agree that Event Horizon is one of the scarier contemporary movies as it switches from Sci-Fi to Horror, some of the imagery is quite disturbing.
MookJong said:
I watched "Fire in the sky" when I was about 12-13 and found that pretty disturbing. Susperia is pretty odd, but it's mainly the music that gets you going in that.

There aren't many films that really scared me though, it was always TV programs that would do it.
You're not alone it freaked me out they all had numerous lie detector test and they all passed every time creepy stuff :eek:.
Lashout_UK said:
Event Horizion was about the only film I've ever seen that I felt even remotely uncomfortable watching. Especially as it was pitch black and I was on me own - something about the scenario just clicked with me....

Happened that I watched this alone in the dark also by chance as the girlfriend was on the PC in my old bedroom. I remember being glued to the film, just laying on the couch, but realising after it had ended that I felt a bit disturbed the whole thing.

Only film that has really scared me was WATERSHIP DOWN.
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