Worlds Scariest Movie

BrightonBelle said:
I used to know the entire script for Labryinth :(

Picked it up in a bargain bin last week - might have to stick it on later :D

As for scariest films... I can't watch em :( much that I would love to watch all the Saw films, which on some people's accounts are not scary at all.

BB x

No way ! I love Labryinth, had a big crush on Jennifer Connelly after that film when i was a kid, was so magical when i watched it the first time.
'When I was younger' it was the Halloween Films (1 and 5 the most) and The Exorcist.

Recently Ringu (original) and Shutter both made me look away. Films that have jumpy out things scare me the most I think.
The only film to ever creep me out badly was the orginal version of the Grudge...I havent looked at stairs in quite the same light since :eek: :eek:

Not to mention the noise & the lofty scene...I say no more :(

That film had me seriously worried for weeks on end...especially since at my parents the loft door was in my Bedroom :( :(

I went to see the Exorcist the week it was released and at the time I was a born again christian.
It had a great effect on me and no horror film as done it for me since.
Of course, The Exorcist is just a joke now I'm an atheist.
Freddy Kruger, lets just say I watched Nightmare on Elm Street WAY before I should have done, cue to my dad having to check my room for months after...
Conventional horror movies just aren't scary, well not to me anyway. Certainly most of the ones mentioned in this thread I haven't found scary at all (with the exception of Ringu and Ju-on which were a bit ......uncomfortable to watch). It's films like Ôdishon which I find scary, thats the first one that springs to mind, though I am sure there are others.
Not a movie, but a TV series (well the opening credits!)......."Armchair Thriller" from the 70's. Started with a creepy shadow sitting in a chair, used to freak me out all the time, i was about 5 at the time though :o

Filmwise, the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Evil Dead, were real shockers in their time to be honest. The Evil Dead could do with a revamp now, seeing as TCM has had one.
thepigf@rmer said:
Not a movie, but a TV series (well the opening credits!)......."Armchair Thriller" from the 70's. Started with a creepy shadow sitting in a chair, used to freak me out all the time, i was about 5 at the time though :o

Filmwise, the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Evil Dead, were real shockers in their time to be honest. The Evil Dead could do with a revamp now, seeing as TCM has had one.

Texas chainsaw wasn't scary. Evil dead imo was always a comedy laugh. Especially Evil Dead 2, can't beat the scene when he cuts his hand off and it runs off and gives him the finger haha.
SK07 said:
Texas chainsaw wasn't scary. Evil dead imo was always a comedy laugh. Especially Evil Dead 2, can't beat the scene when he cuts his hand off and it runs off and gives him the finger haha.

To be honest i'm probably the only person alive that thinks they're scary, both films still give me goose bumps. maybe its a childhood thing :( :p

Also the Grudge, that ghost scrares the bejesus out of me!
the grudge and the ring are 2 particular films i dont enjoy along with poltergeist (sp?)

its sounds that do me, i cant stand the noises the thing makes in the grudge or the voices in poltergeist, either that or its small japanese kids :confused: :p
The most scariest movies I watched were Evil Dead, Night of the Living Dead and The Nightmare on Elm Street because I watched it when I was around 9-12.

I don't like horror movies anymore. :(
The Hills have Eyes

The People Under The Stairs

The Shining

The Terminator

Nowadays i dont watch any film begining with "The"
fornowagain said:
Stephen King's 'IT'

There's something horrid about clowns.

i watched that about 10-11 with my cousins
i had nightmares for months

night of the living dead was pretty scary as well, then again i havent seen it since i was about 12
Sweetloaf said:
Unsure quite how this happened but I remember it so clearly, I was reading the book of Alien and actually jumped when the facehugger leaped out of the egg.

To this day I'm not sure how this is actually possible, I do remember feeling a little confused afterwards? :confused:

lol - thats Alan Dean Foster for an author ;)

I've always thought the 1985 (yes i am old) Stephen King horror film "Cats Eye" was scary - it was the troll that came out from the skirting board and tried to steal Drew Barrymore's soul that always got me :eek:
Mat said:
The only movie that has given me "problems" is The Entity and Ive not even watched it! My gf at the time (10 years ago) was talking about it one evening and I found it hard to get to sleep for a few nights...

An odd film. Supposed to be a real account. Not a bad film but I think they spun the truth a bit.

Event Horizon. I fell asleep watching it just didnt get it at all :confused:

Now I thought Blair Witch Project was pretty good, sort of got into the mind a bit which I like. But most people thought that sucked.
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