Worst car you have driven

7 Sep 2021
Like many of us, i have driven quite a few cars in my time... both for business & pleasure.

Which car have you been unfortunate enough to drive.

Mine... Definitely my 1993 Proton ( Bought in early 00’s)
Silver / Light grey: Depending on the light & angle
1.3 MPI (Mitsubishi engine)
(Multi Point Injection, basically 3 valves per cylinder)

4 door
large boot... Handy for a double buggy.
Comfortable & smooth engine
Good so far...

- ;
Nasty plastic fascia

As Mr Clarkson stated;
“I’ve been on a barge that handled better”... or words to thar effect.
It was so vague, you began to wonder if the steering wheel was actually attached to anything.
Also had a ‘wallowing’ effect.
( Perhaps the string had stretched).
I felt as though I was being punished... & the ribbing from my workmates.

And I thought the Datsun Stanza’s handling was bad.
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Most of them if I'm being honest.
Two which come to mind, and not in a good way, Astra Belmont I had for a few years was pretty dreadful and a 5.0 Mustang II which tried to kill me on many occasions.
Probably my 2016 A4 Saloon. Despite people telling me to get the 252bhp quattro model, I didn't listen and went with the smaller 200bhp FWD model. Big mistake.
Probably a 1986 (maybe) Rover Metro - the steering wheel was big and thin and was all over the place vs what the wheels were doing, at its best it felt lumpy and vibrated a lot at certain speeds unrelated to any tracking, etc. issues there may or may not have been, brakes were dire and you needed to plan stopping well in advance :s engine was actually OKish and got up to speed reasonably sort of. Everything interior wise felt sparse and not quite like it fitted together and most of the accessories sort of worked as intended sort of most of the time but not quite fully.
I drove a MG Metro ( early / mid 80’s). it was quite fun for nipping around in or on ‘B’ roads...definitely not a motorway car.
Probably my 2016 A4 Saloon. Despite people telling me to get the 252bhp quattro model, I didn't listen and went with the smaller 200bhp FWD model. Big mistake.

If a 200bhp A4 is the 'worst car you've ever driven' I can't imagine that 20% more power and 2 more driven wheels on exactly the same car was going to fundamentally change your world. You've either never driven a bad car in your life or you've somewhat missed the point. I've driven a 2018 A5 for about 1k miles and whilst I'd never buy one it was far from anything like the worst car I'd driven. Infact it was actually pretty good, despite being FWD and 150bhp.
Probably my 2016 A4 Saloon. Despite people telling me to get the 252bhp quattro model, I didn't listen and went with the smaller 200bhp FWD model. Big mistake.

if that was the worst car you ever had to put up with then you were lucky in life.

that is better than any car i ever owned lol.

Try the 1980`s Vauxhall Nova 1.2L 8 valve that was my first car when i passed my test in the late 90`s.
Driving dynamics wise, probably the parents X3 (this was 10 years ago), horrendous van like experience, awful steering, awful handling, awful ride.
2005-2006 Citroen C5 pool car that I had to drive back from Manchester to Maidenhead. I understood why no-one wanted to drive it back after 5 minutes. Visibility in all directions was horrible. The ride was floaty and vague with no real sense of what the road was doing. Last time I drove a car with this feeling, it was a 1980s Oldsmobile with worn springs, and shocks that hadn’t provided any damping since Jimmy Carter was President.

The worst thing was the driving seat. I just could not find any way to make it at all comfortable. The car was only a year old with less than 20K on the clock, so none of these issues were down to it being worn out.
We had a Saab 99 as our pool car... didn’t get used much.
( We used to call it the Slabb), it was so dull... & that lime green colour.
Anything by Vauxhall that I had to drive in a previous job, we had bog standard, low powered Vectras and Corsas as pool cars that were utterly hideous to drive.
The Punto courtesy car I got once. The first real corner I came to I was understeering and pretty much on 2 wheels, the handling was that bad*. I hired a big Lexus SUV in the US a couple of years ago which had so little feedback that I didn't realise it was sliding until I heard the tyres screeching, but that was actually quite fun :D

EDIT: *and I wasn't going particularly fast, or so I thought!
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My partners old '06 Fiat Punto 1.2l (60bhp) there was nothing wrong with the car and how it drove but that engine by god so gutless, Almost had to pull out of roundabouts like I was driving my motorhome it was so god awful slow.
My parents H-reg Rover 200 when I was learning to drive. It was ******* terrible!

By the time I passed, they had a Cavalier, and my instructor's car was an Escort, and even those were a big step up.
I learnt to drive in my Dads Vauxhall Chevette (aka ‘Shovit) 1.3 Special.
( First actual time was in a Viva GLS... but that was only in a straight line though).
Actually... they wasn’t that bad.
Very positive clutch...took some getting used to.
My Proton still wins.
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