Worst lager in England?

Fosters or warm carling for sure....

Id rather a pint of cider over a larger tho if i had a choice.

Used to drink Lowenbrau and Heineken export, very "nice" lagers imo.
If I had to pick a lager it would be grolsch. The rest such as carling, fosters ect are drank by either, women, just recently turned 18 year olds, or those just wanting to get drunk.
i hate carling.

tastes really really watered down for whatever reason!

if im out and have to have a lager on tap, it'll be carlsberg export, or tuborg.
Mostly any lager sold in a club. Worst drink I've ever tasted was warm ale at the Cambridge beer festival, tasted like they brewed old socks in a dishwasher :(


I forgot all the awful American lagers and their even worse Lite/Ice variations.

/runs around his room screaming.
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