Worst lager in England?

I don't think there is a single good or even average lager in the UK, or outside Germany for that matter. Nothing comes close to some good Munich Brau.
carling is the worst. i won't drink it even if it's free or there is nothing else to drink. i'd rather have water.

i wouldn't buy carlsberg/fosters by choice but i'll certainly drink it if i'm not paying. :p

i do like the odd stella now and then but i mostly drink cider these days.
Wrexham Lager? Oh my god that sounds dangeroud, let alone tasting bad. Have you been to Wrexham...it's a Fully star out please hole! Lol
There are very few lagers i like but Budweiser (the vile American version not Czech) or Corona are amongst my least faves.
Can't remember the last time I saw carlsberg in a pub
Fosters, Carlsberg, and Carling - refuse to drink any of them...unless I'm sleeping in a tent at a festival. Feels SO pointless drinking it though, takes about 15 tins of the **** to even feel it =/
The worst lager, is pretty much any served in a club on draught... it's always rank no matter what brand and is further enhanced when they start serving it in plastic pint glasses...

On a hot day I'll drink any of the lagers mentioned here and enjoy it tbh.
Macro-brewery tend to have a pretty bland flavor palate for lagers, that isn't to say you can't find a palatable one just for the most part they are quite uninteresting and heartburn worthy.

Microbrewery's on the other hand are a different kettle of fish, a good micro has to differentiate itself by quality not sheer quantity so they are far more daring and inventive with there lagers, i have sampled only a tip of the ice berg but the small number i have tried put shame to most any macro's attempts, do not mistake your supermarket shelf lagers for the pick of the bunch and there for representative of what a lager is.

Ale is still by far my favorite and versatile though, so go... explore!

What are peoples opinions of this if they have tried it? It's only 99p a bottle at Tesco so I thought it wouldn't be great but I really like it. It's really crisp and refreshing.

Certainly much nicer than carling etc.


Also tried this a few weeks ago and it was also quite nice. has a bit of a sharp after taste I wasn't used to but I'll definitely be getting it again.
Really? Because the ONLY lager I can stand is stella.

Fosters is truly awful though.

Fosters is awful too, no arguments there :p Stella has some weird flavour to it that I don't like. Most other lagers are simply flavourless which whilst isn't great, doesn't offend my taste buds quite so much as the weird urine-y taste/smell of Stella :)
I had a bud left over after a party the other day, had it one night in the week. Quite liked it tbh.

At least it's got 'a' taste to it, unlike fosters and carling/berge etc with all taste like tin can.
Can you even still buy this in the U.K.? I've not seen it in ages...
A couple of those watery sub-lagers have disappeared. Castlemaine XXXX, Hofmeister, Skol, and I'd have lumped Heineken in with them as well. Except Heineken rebranded and gave itself an alcohol boost that seemed to improve the stuff.

I think the worst on tap for me is Carling. Tesco Value Lager is pretty grim though.
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