Worst Movies You Have Ever Watched(And wished you hadnt)

20 Oct 2002
After chatting to a colleague i was just wondering what terrible movies have you ever though "why on earth did i watch that?" a few spring to mind for me:

Alone in the Dark - I was a fan of the games and though WTF is this trash?
House of the Dead - As above another Uwe Boll movie... Utterly terrible
Street Fighter: The legend of Chun Li - Even the lovely Kristin Kreuk or Michel Clarke Duncan could save this utter abomination of a movie. Some of the worst acting i have ever seen in any movie (Close to Tommy Wiseau levels) By Chris Klein.
Dracula 3000 - Utterly Terrible vampire movie set in space (There is also a Dracula 2000 I think)
There was some movie series recently on Netflix recently called Rogue Warfare and both me and my mate was wondering who on earth gave them the money to make that abysmal nonsense?

So come on then what ya got? :D
Alien 3000/Unseen Evil 2.

Quite honestly the worst movie to have ever been made. There's a sex scene where the two involved are screaming their heads off, but they're both fully clothed and dry humping each other. Most of the vehicles are radio controlled toys they zoom in on. No, it isn't satire or comedy.
Independence Day 2, while the first film had its issues, to me it was simple story telling done well with charismatic/fun actors and a good bit of spectral thrown in for good measure. While Hollywood film output these days mostly resembles a sewage outlet pipe Independence Day 2 just seem the be the precursor to it all showing everything wrong that would come after it.

I cant think of a worse output from what they had to use, yes a 500k Scifi channel original might be worse but considering the people involved with Independence Day 2 it might just be the worse output possible.
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The worst film that comes to mind is Anti-life…

Anti-Life (known in the US as Breach)


Shockingly bad. Really, horribly bad. Unthinkable. Takes the Crown from Mulan (remake) for being the worst film I’ve seen in recent memory. I don’t dislike it as much as Mulan (I dislike that so much because it COULD have been so easily good) but this is objectively worse.

Nobody has charisma. The editing is all over the place. Some effects / shots were clearly cut for budget. It’s even feels a nonsense - the spaceship crew are just a bunch of utter knuckleheads.... clearly in another dimension from Gattaca.

Really horrid and sadly not even in the so bad it’s good category. Strong suggestion to avoid.

3/10 - a couple of points for the laughs it inadvertently generated.

Incidentally, it has 3/10 on IMDB.

The Mulan remake is a close second.
There's way too many.
I'll start watching a film and if it hasn't grabbed me by 20 minutes I turn it off.
I wasted 60 minutes or more today until I got to something half decent that I'll continue with.
If you're on about 'big' movies that others like then I just can't get on with The Godfather, tried that at least 4 times before switching off after a while.
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