Worst Movies You Have Ever Watched(And wished you hadnt)

The only film I ever walked out of the cinema to - Unbreakable with Bruce Willis and Sam L Jackson - Mostly because the film I went to watch, based on the trailers at the time, was a superhero film with train crashes and fight scenes as a hero slowly realises his power etc but instead what was actually shown was a family drama story with a man struggling to find his way in life and the effect on his family.

I'll admit the film may be decent to most but to me, it wasn't the film I was 'sold' based on the trailers and that disconnect utterly destroyed the film for me.

I've watched lots of B-Movie dross as well which is much worse, but because its a B-Movie you expect low quality so its never a shock when they turn out to be crap!
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Can't remember exactly why, but I watched Killer Bitch with my brother https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1624391/

It's quite honestly the worst film I've seen by a country mile... Weirdly the thing that still stands out to me is in how many shots you can see the reflection of the camera man. I say camera man... Bloke with a handheld.

Reminds me of a student movie on one of the early attempts at streaming sites, maybe CinemaNow, absolutely terrible acting and effects with the/a camera man either visible or visible in reflections on many shots, but for some reason Sony later picked it up and re-released it with a lot of that removed but it was still terrible.

The funny thing was in the middle was a shootout sequence where they'd somehow blagged a well known actor, IIRC Danny Trejo but it has been so long I can't remember 100%, who I guess brought their own people in for the scene because it was on a totally different level with sound design and production which would have given Michael Mann a run for the money.
Black panther 2
Ant man 3 (,fell asleep turned it off)
The Chinese marvel film 10 rings?
Atlas the new thing.. skim watched it so glad I didn't bother.
"That pretentious film where the kid on a lifeboat imagines a tiger and it's all metaphor for the other idiots there and I wish they all died"

Honestly mostly recent superhero films.....
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Fast 5 is one of the best action films ever made. Some incredible scenes and definitely worth a watch
I can't remember which one that was, or how a gang of folk robbing DVD players from lorries went on to become the greatest heist gang in the world....as long as it is in a car.

I'm only hoping you are joking lol.
My lowest rated films on my Letterboxd (2 stars or less) include:
  • John Wick 4
  • Nope
  • The Amazing Spider-Man
  • Moonraker
  • Live and Let Die
  • Godzilla vs Kong
  • Toy Story 4
I also distinctly remember thinking the giant donut scene in Prometheus was so mind numbingly stupid it completely knocked the film down for me, especially since Alien is one of my favourites.
I can't remember which one that was, or how a gang of folk robbing DVD players from lorries went on to become the greatest heist gang in the world....as long as it is in a car.

I'm only hoping you are joking lol.
It's the one where they steal a safe, and not joking at all. It's genuinely a fantastic film.
I generally love watching movies, more so now I'm disabled as it's a great escape for me. There's been some right stinkers though over the years. Some that come to mind are....

Bringing Out The Dead, Reeker, Black Christmas and The Crystal Skull
Bad Taste - how Peter Jackson was able to get the go ahead for the Lord of the Rings films, when his earlier career included this atrocity:

Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

How dare you? Bad Taste and Braindead are both quality. They are silly, gross and in some places pretty poorly acted however they were made that way on purpose! They are spoofs, low budget and very very mad... but pretty hilarious.

Indeed. Although Braindead is essentially a touching love story with a subtle zombie setting and actually had something approaching a proper budget and some real actors. Whereas Bad Taste was made for about $11 and starred Peter Jackson (who I believe also wrote, filmed, directed and produced it) and his mates.


"I kick ass for the lord!"
"Your mother ate my dog!" "Not all of it."
Hunger games all of them
I thought the first one was watchable, but by the time the last two came out it was a real struggle to get through.

The last one was particularly awful.

I've avoided the latest prequel like the plague, especially as it stars the insufferable Rachel Zegler :p
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I thought the first one was watchable, but by the time the last two came out it was a real struggle to get through.

The last one was particularly awful.

I've avoided the latest prequel like the plague, especially as it stars the insufferable Rachel Zegler :p
It’s on Prime at present so I’m going to have to suffer it.

It could've been so much more but it was just rubbish, really. Still, I watched the whole thing. It's up there with The Room but at least that has the ability to be a cult classic
I enjoyed an indie horror called escape room. Then a sequel came out called escape room tournament of champions. That has to be up there as one of the worst things I've seen lately. It went off pretty quickly.

Probably the worst thing I've ever attempted to watch was birdemic shock and terror though. A really bad knock off of Hitchcock's the birds. I'm not sure if it's intentionally bad, but it rates at 1.7/10 on IMDb:

Honestly, it makes nearly every other film mentioned on this thread look a masterpiece of film making :p
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