Would you go on a date with someone from these forums?


I I was just going through all the different places you could take me to and putting the perfect outfits together in my head.

Blow my dreams out of the water why don't you :(

You can always dream ;)

The temptation to start a photoshop thread around her is a little too much to bear. Especially now he's on my Facebook...

I know that feeling, but having actually met her, she's a bit too lovely to do so. She does actually have an account on here as well...

DirtyJester is a bit of a catch I reckon. I'd ask him out. 5UB of course. Theophany looks a fun date too. Edrof has a nice chiminea I'd like to sit beside the glow of on a cool autumn evening and King Damager seems date material. As long as he doesn't end every sentence with kd :)

The offer is open. Your gain if you decline. :)
I'd take Magnolia out for some caramels.

I would go on that date. It'd be awkward but also hugely interesting. (I would try to kiss you but you'd pull away, appalled).

Exciting. But,


We'd go to the races and spend a lot of money on horses. We wouldn't win anything so we'd go to the closest pub and drink heavily. In the morning you'd promise to call but you never do even though I gave you my real number. The last thing I remember is you kissing me on the cheek.
[FnG]magnolia;22730835 said:
I would go on that date. It'd be awkward but also hugely interesting. (I would try to kiss you but you'd pull away, appalled).

We'd go to the races and spend a lot of money on horses. We wouldn't win anything so we'd go to the closest pub and drink heavily. In the morning you'd promise to call but you never do even though I gave you my real number. The last thing I remember is you kissing me on the cheek.

Every time you write i love your style more and more. I just can't wait for the day the hand written draft version of your book forces its way through my letterbox.
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