no one online from the guild? since no one answers in the chat
name is Ajeuna
I'm not online but it depends as only older members seem to have the ocuk channel open.
Try looking for;
I think Dead and Indie were still on when I logged.
dead logged earlier
but thanks i have a look for the others
need to put some serious levelling in.......the missus is already done with goblin starter zone
just dont say the words chick or bird to her..........she is one of those female rights types.
dont sorting her out
Time to get an authenticator.
the iphone app is what I use as well. Works also with ipod touch.
Not sure how it works but it seems to work. lol
Sorry for asking this - the reroll forum seems not to be displaying at the moment. I read through the first 2 or 3 pages, but didn't see which realm you're playing on and whether or not it's a PvE or PvP realm. I'm unsubscribed at the moment and one of the things stopping me restarting is that I don't have a guild and I hate most of the WoW "community" when I'm not in a decent, friendly guild. I don't want to join a PvP server either
Sorry for asking this - the reroll forum seems not to be displaying at the moment. I read through the first 2 or 3 pages, but didn't see which realm you're playing on and whether or not it's a PvE or PvP realm. I'm unsubscribed at the moment and one of the things stopping me restarting is that I don't have a guild and I hate most of the WoW "community" when I'm not in a decent, friendly guild. I don't want to join a PvP server either
You are more likely to get in an equal level battle with people which are always great, me and sone ally Druid had a 2 hour long war going in Thousand Needles (ended 7-5 kills in my favour )