WoW Legacy Server (if only)

I thought about starting on the fresh server, but Im impatient and I will have more free time over the christmas break than I will have in January, so Ive decided to roll new characters on Alliance on the old Nost server and I will stick with this server instead

PVP or PVE server?
So far not managed to play at all today. No mobs would spawn this morning and now I think their servers are under ddos as cant log in at all (tried for hours). :(
"The banwave that affected some players will be reverted if the ban was not found in violation of our Terms of Use."

"Dear community, we are working to address the lag and login servers. However, please be aware, we are undergoing 6 concurrent DDoS attacks."
I tried earlier, created a Undead Mage, but the server is so slow, takes a few seconds to acknowledge everything

Yea, I tried doing a few quests. Took a couple of seconds for NPC's to react to my input. Their servers must be getting absolutely hammered.
I managed to get to level 8 over the weekend, the starting areas are completely mental. Also a catch 22 of having to group up to have a chance of completing some of the quests in a timely manner and grouping up causing a disconnect and then being in a queue of thousands! Should calm down though over time.
Logged on a little bit this morning, was pleasantly surprised no queues on either server and the starting areas weren't as bad as they were, although still busy was able to get a few quests completed without too much trouble.
Can we have a vote on the OCUK Guild please? I would like to know if my current character will be useful or if I am on the wrong server and faction.

I vote for PvP and Horde. :)
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