WoW Legacy Server (if only)

Horde!!!! However.

Did the Cataclysm alter Eastern Kingdoms at all? I played Horde in Vanilla and I can't remember going there much. Only viewed EK during dungeons levelling iirc.

I can go Alliance if the majority vote. Maybe a mod can add a poll or we could start a totaly new thread on this vanilla guild we could make.

What say you guys?

This is vanilla remember? No DLC's have taken effect.

I prefer horde.
This is vanilla remember? No DLC's have taken effect.

I prefer horde.

Oh I know its vanilla but did the cataclysm alter Eastern Kingdoms at all. With me not playing over that part much I cant remember if it was . For all I know the cata only changed Kalimdor.:) If EK was changed then all I know is what its like after cata.

It will be like a new game for me.:D
Oh I know its vanilla but did the cataclysm alter Eastern Kingdoms at all. With me not playing over that part much I cant remember if it was . For all I know the cata only changed Kalimdor.:) If EK was changed then all I know is what its like after cata.

It will be like a new game for me.:D

Ohhhh, then yea, new game for you then haha. All I know is vanilla! Pretty much gave up after Cata, played shortly for all DLC's, but Vanilla is where it was at for me.
Isn't this version reverse engineered so things like this are there? As in full account friends list, not just character?

Anyway, horde or alliance all?

I don't think so, I think it's as close to retail vanilla was so everything should be like it was, not 100% sure though.
i might have a week on the Nost servers to get my bearings on the old talents and specs etc. On that note does anyone have a link or know whjat the best talents tree to use for any given class and race?

For PvE dps

Rogue - Combat.
Mage - Fire(frost is viable)
Warrior - Fury
Hunters - IIRC(won't be as good as the 3 specs above)

All the other classes are crap.

Druid could tank certain fights fairly well if they were lucky enough to get the required gear(which wasn't easy!)
Paladins weren't viable.

Early game priests were the only viable dungeon healer as they could group and single target heal. Druids could heal but couldn't rez which was a massive issue and wouldn't get invited because of it. Paladins were solid tank healers but struggled with group healing. All could raid heal with Priests being better with predictable group damage due to PoH.

Basically vanilla WoW was crap if you weren't a Warrior/Priest/Mage/Rogue.
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Speaking of the above, anyone thought of what class(es) they are likely to roll?

I fancy trying something a little different but know I'll end up rolling my favourite class (Druid) anyway :p
Whilst I absolutely loved vanilla WoW, I must be one of the only people who doesn't understand the allure of these servers.

I had a great time in vanilla, cleared all raids with the same guild I still play with today. I wouldn't want to go back and play and potentially taint my great memories of that time.

Might be fair enough if you missed vanilla completely, but I don't think the majority of people who will play it realise the time and effort that you needed to put in to get anywhere decent.

Everyone is too casual these days! Even me! :D I couldn't imagine having to do all that again.
For PvE dps

Rogue - Combat.
Mage - Fire(frost is viable)
Warrior - Fury
Hunters - IIRC(won't be as good as the 3 specs above)

All the other classes are crap.

Druid could tank certain fights fairly well if they were lucky enough to get the required gear(which wasn't easy!)
Paladins weren't viable.

Early game priests were the only viable dungeon healer as they could group and single target heal. Druids could heal but couldn't rez which was a massive issue and wouldn't get invited because of it. Paladins were solid tank healers but struggled with group healing. All could raid heal with Priests being better with predictable group damage due to PoH.

Basically vanilla WoW was crap if you weren't a Warrior/Priest/Mage/Rogue.

Must have been Alliance, Shamans were tremendous PVE healers in vanilla and Bloodlust was awesome. I agree that for pure dps Hunters were not as good but they offered good utility and were essential for some encounters (kiting, tranq shot, nature resist aura, pulling certain bosses to certain tanks).

The main problem in vanilla was the gear available for what was considered off-spec, eg warrior tier sets geared for tanking, priest gear for healing etc.
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Whilst I absolutely loved vanilla WoW, I must be one of the only people who doesn't understand the allure of these servers.

I had a great time in vanilla, cleared all raids with the same guild I still play with today. I wouldn't want to go back and play and potentially taint my great memories of that time.

Might be fair enough if you missed vanilla completely, but I don't think the majority of people who will play it realise the time and effort that you needed to put in to get anywhere decent.

Everyone is too casual these days! Even me! :D I couldn't imagine having to do all that again.

I can perhaps shed some light on it, from my own perspective at least...

First a little background info, I have played MMOs since 1997 (Ultima Online), and have played them as my main genre of gaming ever since. Truly great MMOs have come and gone in all those 19 years, sadly imo most of the greatest MMOs were ones from the early days of the genre (Ultima Online, Daoc, Everquest 1 , Asherons Call and then to a lesser extent early WoW). The thing that made the genre so special to me was the social side of it, the requirement to work together with players to achieve things. Very unfortunately, over the years MMOs changed and became more and more about solo gameplay. It became possible to do most things (apart from dungeons) without really needing any other players. The social side dropped away, cross server grouping and LFG and teleporting directly to an instanced dungeon from anywhere in the gameworld destroyed the sense of community in the genre. Even the chat died down as people teleported into a group, ran an instance and then left afterwards without barely saying a word.

I played WoW from its beta through to just before the Lich King that point I realised that the way the game was heading was in the opposite direction to all the things I love about the MMO genre and I left the game.

Many many years passed and I then stumbled across the original Nostalrius server. I logged in and lo and behold , here was the original WoW, the chat was active again, people HAD to group up to get things done, every zone in the gameworld was teeming with players because you couldnt just teleport across the gameworld into instances. Players had to travel through the zones again, which led to encounters and social chat. No longer could you just breeze through everything solo , you had to work with other players to get things done and thus the sense of community and helping each other out, be it with crafting, trading, PvE or PvP. The need to travel through the zones brought back the open world PvP which had so sadly vanished from modern WoW.

And thus I thoroughly enjoyed my time in original Nostalrius, it was a shame it closed down but Im now excited to once again be back in the new servers and look forward to more of the style of MMO which I used to enjoy all those years ago.
If I do make an account I can't imagine myself even getting to 60! I think a bit of Elwynn forest nostalgia will do me although I'd love to revisit the original AV if it's implemented?

I most certainly won't be rolling a Paladin again though! What an awful choice that was for my first wow character. And I don't mean the class in itself but the terrible way I was trying to play it:D
Does anyone have a reliable source for the client install?

Also Alliance or Horde? i've just recently cancelled my legion sub so a bit of vanilla should be fun.

Maybe i'll find my love for healers again
The torrent page times out, maybe a Virgin thing, the files are no longer accessible from either Mega or Yandex

If someone has a torrent link that would help
Does anyone have a reliable source for the client install?

Also Alliance or Horde? i've just recently cancelled my legion sub so a bit of vanilla should be fun.

Maybe i'll find my love for healers again

If you're still having issues, I'll host it later. But my hosted platforms are based in California. So speeds might not max out fibre connections.
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