They should do this if it's what the players want, RuneScape done this with the "Oldschool" version, Everyone voted for it. it even has some developers still working on it adding new things that were not in the previous version, The players has too vote in content that they want which needs 75% yes votes to pass.
If I were Blizzard I would look at what is likely to happen if they released Vanilla servers based on the data available and then make a decision based on that. You have to remember WoW is not OSRS so what may happen could be entirely different to what happened for us.
One thing to be aware of is that making a wrong decision of this magnitude is likely to cost tens, if not hundreds of millions of dollars so they have to be very careful.
As for the obstacles they would face, they will have to adapt (or entirely recreate) their development process, how they launch their content, how they deliver the game to players, etc... it is going to be a big ass job for them.
WOW is a different beast entirely and wouldn't be so easy to create a legacy version.
3. The social aspect is what I miss the most, there's none of that now really. I have many fond memories of just hanging around major cities just having a laugh with guild mates.
This, we all moved on with life and occasionally dipped back it but all the crz killed it in the end, anonymous to a degree now
1. Who in blizzard wants to work with all of that stuff, creating it and maintaining it.
'If' 750k subbed then I suspect 750000 x $10 pm would more than make up for one person sitting in a chair supping coffee laughing at Barrens chat.
Creating? What is there to create its 10 years old.
They wont do it because Blizzard are too far up Activisions backside.
Whilst I disagree with pretty much everything in his post, it would need to be created again. Blizzard no longer have the server code for vanilla, so they'd basically have to do everything that all the private servers do and rewrite all the server side stuff.
That wouldn't be much of a problem though, and it would easily be profitable.
Link for those interestedI can't believe all the support you've shown for vanilla WoW servers. In the past few days you've all doubled the Nostalrius petition count and smashed through the 200,000 signature goal.
Thank you.
Now its time for me to get to work and put together a package to deliver to Mike Morhaime. Here's what I'm doing:
1) Printing the petition. All 5000 pages of it.
2) Writing an open letter to Mike, and sharing it with the community.
3) Shooting a video of the open letter and uploading it to @SodaPoppinTv's channel
4) E-mailing the whole thing to Mike on Friday and making the letter/video public on Friday as well.
5) Following up on Monday with a call to Mike on his cell and office.
I want to thank @SodaPoppingTv for being so passionate and doing the WoW stream to publicize this. I want to thank @Nostalbegins for taking the time to Skype with me and show me what a great bunch of devs they are, and thanks for everyone on my feed and following me @Grummz for all the moral support and tweets.
But...Especially, thank you petition signers! Thank you vanilla WoW fans! Thank you for supporting this petition and for playing and loving vanilla and early WoW so damn much! YOU did this! YOU can make it happen. And I'll be there right alongside you.
For the Alliance, for the Horde, for Azeroth!
It won't be as fun as you remember it. Unfortunately you can't relive it. Same happened with ever quest and it can't compare to the nostalgia (and everquest was a far superior experience first time round). No on wants to do ubrs 50 times for gearing and attunement while waiting on people to level to do Molton Core again![]()
Which seems to finally have gotten a reponse out of Blizzard by blue post. link said:So what can we do to capture that nostalgia of when WoW first launched? Over the years we have talked about a “pristine realm”. In essence that would turn off all leveling acceleration including character transfers, heirloom gear, character boosts, Recruit-A-Friend bonuses, WoW Token, and access to cross realm zones, as well as group finder. We aren’t sure whether this version of a clean slate is something that would appeal to the community and it’s still an open topic of discussion.