WoW Start Over?

MiGSY said:
It's the standard WoW UI interface with a few addons including:

Titan Panel
Nurfed General + Nurfed Unit Frames (These must be extracted manually from the full Nurfed UI compilation)
CT MasterMod + CT BottomBar
Energy Watch
Scrolling Combat Text

And a few more which aren't visible in that screenshot.

I've grabbed the above and are on my trusty USB Pen i'll try them out when I get home.

Any chance of a full listing? i'm a bit of a noob to all this UI stuff but yours looks wicked and any help would be greatfully recieved.
0gami said:
I've grabbed the above and are on my trusty USB Pen i'll try them out when I get home.

Any chance of a full listing? i'm a bit of a noob to all this UI stuff but yours looks wicked and any help would be greatfully recieved.

Well, unless you're a rogue, you won't be needing many of the mods I'm currently using as they're class specific.

If you're not a rogue, just install the following:

Titan Panel
Nurfed General + Nurfed Unit Frames (These must be extracted manually from the full Nurfed UI compilation)
CT MasterMod + CT BottomBar
Scrolling Combat Text

Just try out those first, see how you get along. If you have any problems or need any help installing/configuring them just give me a shout.

On a side note, I just had the most unbelievable few runs of UBRS today.

Since hitting level 60, I've been through a fair few instances. Blackrock Depths, Lower Blackrock Spire, Stratholme, Dire Maul North, East and West. I ran through most of these at least a few times. Run after run, NO rogue loot whatsoever. Infact I saw just two items which are considered suitable for my class drop. I acquired just one of them. Days of instancing, and I had only one item to show for it.

I was becoming increasingly frustrated with the lack of drops suitable for my class, whilst other classes were raking in loot.

And then, I'm not sure what happened at this point, perhaps karma does exist, perhaps there is some sort of universal balance, who knows? But god damn I starting hauling in the loot :D

In just TWO runs of Upper Blackrock Spire, I acquired:

- Truestrike Shoulders
- Shadow Prowler's Cloak
- Shadowcraft Tunic
- Painweaver Band

And, most incredibly:


Yes, Felstriker. That ridiculously rare epic dagger that drops from Rend. I'm now the proud owner of the best dagger currently present on the server :D

According to my guild I'm not allowed any more loot for 2 months :p
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that is 1 sexy dagger :o

dont think i could start another server, worked to long on my current one.

I have a pvp mage but never got round to finishing it off, only 3 lvls to go but i dont know anyone on the server it's on.

my Current Main in BWL
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MiGSY said:
Well, unless you're a rogue, you won't be needing many of the mods I'm currently using as they're class specific.

If you're not a rogue, just install the following:

Titan Panel
Nurfed General + Nurfed Unit Frames (These must be extracted manually from the full Nurfed UI compilation)
CT MasterMod + CT BottomBar
Scrolling Combat Text

Just try out those first, see how you get along. If you have any problems or need any help installing/configuring them just give me a shout.

Thanks mate thats brilliant :)
Some of my friends are getting back into WoW when the new content arrives. We're hoping that a lot of players just go back to their 60's to do the 60-70 content and so the new servers won't be as full as the usual rush.

Might be going Alliance this time as well. :eek:

Until then I'm enjoying playing my Orc Hunter. :)
What is the fastest way to level btw? My friend tells me that pure mob grinding is much faster than questing but that seems pretty boring.

Btw, grats on 60 and Felstriker Migsy. :D How is the end-game community on Vek?
invoke said:
You know they increased its drop rate right

Apparently, although I can't find anything in the patch notes about it.

And it's still pretty darn rare, not exactly dropping every few runs is it?
The increased drop rates of all the casual instance epics. Such as Headmaster's Charge, Runeblade of Baron Rivendare and Felstriker.

I don't think I could start again, I love my main character too much :D

Here he is atm, Warriors in Ironforge keep spitting at me though.. no idea why.

i've ust started again alliance on Eonar,
is everyone still on there or wha? lol
name in game is Filibuster :)
Tommy D said:
The increased drop rates of all the casual instance epics. Such as Headmaster's Charge, Runeblade of Baron Rivendare and Felstriker.

I don't think I could start again, I love my main character too much :D

Here he is atm, Warriors in Ironforge keep spitting at me though.. no idea why.

Nice character you got there.

Also, I've no idea why warriors are spitting on you at all! A real mind-boggler that one! :p
I'm also kinda starting over... with my old character. Got him back from the guy who bought it off ebay.
Sold £360
Bough back £50

Not bad hey :D
This time, im not gonna go overboard like I did in the past, and only raid 2 times a week max :)
eoner seems full so i joined some other server and im using my old character a lvl 7 undead warlock ive just got him up to lvl 9 and ill have ago of trying to move to that server when i come back from work tonight :)
my character:
name: Decayedone

Im really enjoying being a evil player and having a cool imp following me around. I spent my first point on my summons to make him stronger and i hope if i keep spending points on him ill have a new summons.

Oh yeah i just had my first ride on a bat :)
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